Request for another massage (R-18)

Garnt submerged himself in the warm embrace of the hot spring, feeling the soothing water ease the weariness from his muscles. The cave around him echoed with the sounds of trickling water, creating a serene atmosphere. As steam rose, he let his thoughts wander to Ayra and little Guni back in the village.

"Ah, I wonder how they're doing. Hopefully, Ayra isn't causing too much trouble by acting too responsible," he chuckled to himself, thinking of his wife's spirited personality. "And Guni must be growing up fast. Maybe I should teach her some of my skills when I get back."

He wasn't just thinking about those two, instead, he also thought about Rona, Kara and Kiriah back in the village.

Leaning against the rocky ledge, Garnt sighed contentedly. "This hot spring is amazing. It's moments like these that make all the hard work worthwhile. Once we rebuild the village, I'll bring Ayra, Rona and Guni here. It'll be a perfect family retreat. "