Taking Advantage

"Did you hear about those insects that keep attacking us?"

"Yes! But lucky for us, Baktou works on a medicine to treat our plants. I just hope it works really well."

The two guards who were protecting the entrance to Baktou's new house muttered, but both of them looked rather confused.

"Hey, do you know why our leader Baktou is fighting Garnt? I heard they were like brothers before Baktou betrayed him. Do you know why?"

The other guard shrugged his shoulders as soon as he heard the first guard's words.

"No idea, but I don't really care. I'm well fed and we are given the chance to live like this, so I don't really want to question Baktou. If Garnt were the person that was feeding me, I would have probably supported him." He muttered those words and smiled. "That's how it works after all. Without any advantage, no one would stick to another person."