Witnessing the destruction

A few minutes before Garnt noticed that Ganna was missing from the group, she was there, following along with an unusually heavy-looking baggage hanging on her back.

Since Garnt was injured and had to rely on Gundo to walk, he didn't have the luxury to give personal attention to everyone. So, Ganna acted on her own, thinking that if she wanted to be useful to Garnt, she had to carry the most amount of food, luggage, and other supplies that they could possibly need.

Because of this Ganna stumbled through the dense underbrush, her arms straining under the weight of the heavy bags slung over her shoulders. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she struggled to keep pace with the fleeing villagers. Her mind raced with worry and fear, but also with a deep-seated determination to be of use to Garnt, the boy she admired and respected.