The snowy forest

The moment I wake from my sleep, I notice two things, one that the sun isn't up yet, and two that my hands are still gripping my rifle, as if I'm ready for something to happen.

The first time I'm actually kind of feeling my heart race, the idea that I've actually accepted Mr White's offer makes me shack a bit. However I must brush off these feelings, to do what I feel is right, even though I still don't know what is right, and what is wrong right now.

When I finish putting on my jacket, I look back to see my grandfather standing there. "why are you doing this Daniel, you know you don't have to do this," I sigh a bit, then my mind has a whole lot of possible outcomes go through it. The outcomes are just a big mixed bag, of both good and bad possible ends. Ather thinking my mind makes its painful choice, "grandfather, if I don't go I believe I will regret it later on, so I rather go now, then go when I'm called to serve."

When grandfather hears that he frowns, then he sits himself at the table to read the newspaper. The guilt of leaving him behind starts to creep in, but I must stick to it at all cost, otherwise even the worst possible outcome could come to pass.

When I'm finally out the door, all I see around me is snow, lots of snow, with even more dancing down from up above. "Well, may this adventure begin now." With all that said, I start the hike off into the forest, with my rifle in hand, I feel confident in my aim no matter how far out the target is.

The way to the place I like to take shots from is snow covered, the darkness doesn't help any either, but it's the conviction of being able to prove myself of my skill, that drives me to get to that spot. The cold air starts to bite, however I press on, no matter the feel in my hands, or my body.

The place I wanted to be so badly at I had finally reached, right as the sun was just starting to lightly glow over the horizon. Once I had fully put myself into place, I distanced my scope putting it at the maximum zoom it could do, then I sat there for somthing to appear.

The time started to tick by, minutes eventually turned into a full hour, then another full hour of just patiently waiting for somthing to appear. Then out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a rabbit, thinking back I remembered that my last rabbit was stolen from me by a wolf, so I decide to pick my target, making whichever wolf crossed infront of my gaze today the target.

The time continued to role by, eventually even my thick jacket, was no longer able to keep me from feeling the cold. Along with the sun being maybe a few hours past mid day, I started to think that today was gonna be a bust, however my luck changed, when I say him. The most beautiful white Wolf I had seen so far.

This wolf was absolutely amazing, the fur on its back shined as white as the snow. The wolf had also caught something, it had probably gotten a rabbit since those are still running about in the snow covered forests.

When he puts his head down, I start concentrating on every thing around me, slowly drowning everything out, until it's just me, and my thoughts, now nothing can disturb my concentration.

However something spooked him, so he ran into the forest carrying his meal with him. This made me both mad, and confused, as if he knew I was here, ready to take the shot that would have ended his life. After all that I decide to pack up, after all no point in staying once the big fish gets away.

The way home is getting dark, but on the way home I caught sight of deer, "thanks for the food, now let's take you home." The shot I put down range was aimed for his throat, and with one quick pull of the trigger he fell flat on the ground, not having a second chance to react.

The wight of the deer adds another hour at least, however in the end I still make it back home. Another thing I notice is that Mr White's car is parked outside the house, I guess that means company for dinner.

When I enter, they are both at the table waiting for me. "so you catch somthing today, and what might it be?" When I drag the deer to the front door Mr White gets up to take a look. "This is amazing work, the hide is in perfect condition, except for the hole in the neck, but, other then that amazing." The complements are much appreciated, however my real prize that I was going for is still out there, walking around on all four of his legs.

"The target wasn't the deer was it Daniel." When I hear my grandfather say that I nod my head yes in agreement, he probably knows it was supposed to be som else, since the deer around here will let you get fairly close to them. "yes grandfather, it wasn't the deer I was after, but a wolf I had seen off in the distance in the open field just about two miles up the hill from here."

Then he smiles a bit, probably thinking to himself that I won't be able to actually catch the wolf. "did you watch what direction the wind was blowing?" The wind was blowing from behind me if I recall correctly, it was at that moment I realized why the wolf ran. "if the wind was coming from behind you, and blowing in his direction, he smelled you as plain as day, the main reason why wolves are revered as some of the best trackers."

What my grandfather says is true, I was to careless in where I had placed myself. The only good part was that I still got somthing on the way back home. "Hey Mr White-" he raised his hand to stop me from going any further, "it's General White, because if your going to be serving you have to get used to calling me General, is that clear." When he finishes a smile goes across my face, then I salute him.

"General White, please give me a few extra days to prove myself to you, in catching one wolf in particular, I remember how is fur sparked, and I know what he looks like, so please let me hunt him down for a few day."

When I get done with what I had to say, Mr White laughs a little, then he stands up from his seat, "very well you have three day to catch that wolf, also I'll be making a stop over by your place of work tomorrow to let them know what your doing." With all that said I go back to my room, the ideas on how to catch him start to flood in, but I know of one good way on how to catch that wolf.

However as I work on my plan I hear my grandfather speaking with Mr White, I crack the door open a bit, just so I can hear the conversation between them better. "are you crazy White, having my grandson join the army, I still haven't forgotten what happened to my daughter, and now your taking my grandson, her child to the front lines, are you insane thinking I'm going to allow this."

The tone my grandfather is using that of seriousness and anger, however I can't help myself but to know more, so I continue to listen in on it. "William, you know I still feel the guilt of what happened back then, also I know Daniel is a strong boy now, he can make his final decision, I won't push him into any situation that might get him kill, with this said I promise that he can choose his battle feild."

The idea of choosing where I fight, and how I fight would always be ideal for me, along with my skills I should be able to keep myself safe at a good range. "also William if he can't get the wolf that he says he saw I won't take him, ok, also we can consider this like his first mission, if he passes he can choose to join, if he fails he won't be joining ok." The thought of failure isn't an option then, so I quickly ready a big bag, and start to fill it with the essentials.

The last things he said as well, the fact I could consider it like a mission, at that my first mission. The idea stuck, now I must think of an operation name for the mission, lots of ideas came to head, but none of them stuck around since they were to much, until my brain thought up one. The name was just perfect for it, yes, I now know what to call it, with my finally item in bag and my rifle ready to go tomorrow, it was time to commence the operation, "operation howling hunt begins."