a spy amongst us

After that day we continued to run through training at all ranges, everything from short range to long range. About a week or two in I decide to do some close quarters training with the help of lieutenant Joseph, a person recommended to help in the close quarters training by Hawk.

Thanks to Joseph training in close quarters combat has gone smoothly, even I have gotten better with it. The idea of being close range to an enemy isn't possible for a sniper, however it isn't never likely to happen, that's why I was the one who suggested it.

The snow fall on the ground is heavier now, it's almost above my boots it's getting that deep. Even though it's so deep now it doesn't determine how our training goes these days. Then before I have a chance to get ready to head out for our close combat training for today, I hear a nock on my door.

When I answer my door I see a new face standing infront of me, "hello there Daniel, I'm captain Frank, I'm here on Battle Stategist Hawks orders to get you so you and him can have a conversation about something important." Everything starts to turn, thinking I might have done something wrong, however I know I haven't so I accept his invitation, and go with him to see Hawk.

Once I arrive I see Hawk along with five other around a table, "welcome Daniel, this conversation all seven of us are about to have is going to remain between us, seeing as I can trust you six the most out of the new coming trainer's and higher ups." The questions are buzzing inside my head wondering as to what is going on, "so tell us Battle strategist Hawk what is it that catches your concern?"

While he's thinking of how to answer that I see someone look through some papers, and then proceed to hand them out. "This is what is on Hawks brain, it is recent papers dated for just three days ago, detailing everything as to what is happening inside this base."

The whole room goes quiet, as we all begin to look at one another suspecting one another of possible crime against the Empire, "so there's a spy amongst us is what your saying Hawk?" They all look at me as I say that, as I see Hawk nod his head in agreement with what I said.

"That can't be Hawk, your saying you suspect one of us in this room of this treas-," Hawk holds his hand up to stop him from saying anything further. "Suspecting you six isn't logical, I'm suspecting possible a trainee in any of your groups, that's why I called you six here, so I could ask you to look out for any suspicious activity."

While sitting there my brain goes over only a few subjects that would be suspicious in my group, the first is Stevenson, the next one is Jake, even though Stevenson says his parents had a firing range the efficiency of his firing is high, and Jake was slow on passing the third stage, but then hits a rabbit at just a bit beyond one thousand yards. These two are my suspects, but I'm not about to tell them so I have to do something creative, in order to see some proof that proves them either guilty or innocent.

"Alright everyone here if you are all done with posible questions or concerns you may go, however remember keep your eyes open for suspicious activity." After we all leave the six of us discuss it amongst ourselves, thinking that there are maybe eighty plus suspicious people in our six training groups, "guess we just have to get to work on finding out who it is."

They all agree with what I say, "hey Daniel, any plans on possibly catching the spy?" The question does catch me off guard, but I think it over, "even though Hawk never said where the papers were found, I can suspect they were either found near the sniper ground, since just on the other side of the grounds outer part is a small forest, or possibly near the mess hall."

The last area confused them, "why the mess hall, of all places why there?" Sure seems illogical, but it's a possibility, "remember the mess halls trash gets taken every night, so somewhere along that whole ride if a trash worker isn't vigilant they might miss someone throwing some possible documents away, however this is just a low possibility."

The five of them seem convinced, but like I had said it's a low possibility, since that would mean that even a trash company worker is also an assistant of a spy problem right now. The options are limited, but the six of us all plan to stay up tonight to cover some areas of suspicion.

While walking to the training grounds, I mark off areas in my head as to possible areas to where the papers could get out. Then one possible area comes to mind, thinking about it, it's also farther out of the way then even the firing range, so it is very possible.

After I arrive I see all my trainees there training on the different ranges, "good morning instructor Daniel, your a little late today, why is that?" Knowing I can't tell them the truth I decide to tell them something else, "oh so our instructor might become a lieutenant soon, we have to congratulate you on that one!"

The lie I told catches them all in it, as they start claping for my apparent success, for now I play it on knowing that all my trainees have to participate in a fake celebration for me. "Then how about this, once your all done with today's training, we all celebrate at the mess hall my success!"

They all cheer at the idea that I propose, thinking about it now I know I might get punished for a lie later, but I'm willing to take it. While they train, I continue to watch all of them shoot, I know I can't exclude any of them from this posible spy work, at the se time I want to exclude some since I feel they don't fit the exact requirements.

The first one I exclude is Lily, knowing how hard it was for her to even hit the target in the first few days, usually a spy would perform like average, but she is below average. After that I also exclude Siler, sure he has potential to be the spy, but his truthfulness is completely open, even last week we saw a ring on his finger, and he quickly without any hesitation said it was from his fiance back home.

While I go down the line I mark off those who did poorly in the rifle marksman test, and those who were just very open about there personal life. That leaves only five, Stevenson being the first, Jake as the second one who apparently hit a lucky shot, the third and fourth possibly being the hide and seek team known as Arthor and Ralph.

The fifth and last one is one of the ones who finished the third exam right after Stevenson. His name is Xavier, he was the second right behind Stevenson to complete it, took him just four shots, compared to Stevenson who was running through shots faster, however Xavier was more calm, more precise, if anyone it has to be him.

Once the training comes to an end everyone proceeds to the mess hall, "you coming along instructor Daniel?" Telling them I would be there once I put some paper work back on the desk in my room, they all nod and head off to the mess hall.

After arriving back at my room, I put the paper work of this week on my desk, however it's fake the real paper work is under my bed. They won't find the real paper work, hopefully I think to myself, if they do, it contains documents on just how the sniper training is going, along with my signature to take on more trainees. "This is going to be an interesting night.

Saying that as I leave for the mess hall, I look up and down the hall seeing no one in sight, once I'm done checking I begin to make my way fully to the mess hall.

While walking there I noticed a a pair of tracks in the snow, fresh ones at that leading off to the testing ground for new explosives. Sighing I tell myself I'm going to be late, also thanks to my mind thinking quickly I go to the sniper training ground and grab a rifle. After that I follow the foot steps, telling myself that I'm sorry to my trainees, for both lying to them, and not making it to the mess hall calibration.

While walking the snow begins to fall again, "well this isn't gonna be good, please god don't let it be any of my trainees." Once I reach the testing ground for new explosives, I can barely see, since the sun has completely gone down now, with little to no light left, however I catch a glimpse of someone, no two people moving.

Thinking it over, I have a few options, going for the most likely to either do it or not, I aim to hit either of them. While I have my sight on them I can barely make out the papers in the one person's hand, aiming for it I think to myself that this is correct. Then after a tense few seconds, there is a loud bang echoing in the cold air, along with the bone chilling scream of a person who I hit with the rifle in my hands.