some time together

Once I woke up the next morning, I still felt like yesterday was a dream, that was until I was in my bed at my grandfather's house. Along with being able to sleep a little extra, I can say for certain that it was definitely nice to be home.

After waking up some more, I get myself up out of my bed, and get ready for the day. Once I'm finished doing everything that needed to be done, I head into the dinning room, where my grandfather was already sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hands while he looked through the news paper.

"Good morning Daniel, how was your first night back from base for you, I see that you actually slept in instead of getting up early this morning." Simply smiling, I tell him that I definitely had a good night's sleep.

After talking with him for bit more, I grab some breakfast, "hey Daniel want to take a walk once you finish breakfast?" The walk he wants to take is both of us going out and walking in the forest, which I don't have a problem with, so I just nod. Then after I finish breakfast I go to my room to get ready for the walk through the forest.

Once I'm ready, I see him waiting at the door already, with a rifle in hand and everything, "your gonna be the one to shoot and catch dinner for us tonight, understood?" With a yes sir, he hands me the rifle at the door, then we depart from the house, and make our way into the woods, to talk, and to get dinner tonight.

While walking through the forest it feels like nothing has changed, the times with grandfather were the best times. Before we both reached the top of the hill we both could hear gun shots, "don't worry to much about it Daniel, it's the new army camps training regiment time, so it's gonna be going for a hour or two."

Hearing that, we both wait once we had both reached our hunting spot, "While we wait Daniel, why don't you tell me more about your time at base camp." That had me off guard just a little, but eventually I started talking about the time I had spent there, along with the training style I had put the trainee group through.

"Daniel, you used the training method I had used on you, to train your trainees?" With a swift yes, agreeing to what he said, he smiles a bit, "I bet they had a hell of a time with the training, I'm guessing most lost confidence in the first few days?" With another yes he laughs, then after he's done laughing he says he's done with the questions.

After a little while longer the gun shots stop, and after that they don't fire off again, "alright looks like training for the day is done, now we just wait some more time, then we have ourselves dinner for tonight."

The time goes by, I don't really keep track of it, all I was keeping track of was how cold I had felt myself become. The time I had spent as a instructor has definitely taken its course in me, I felt physically and mentally less adept to handling these conditions, but that might just be my imagination.

Fairly soon after thinking that I spot a deer just a bit to right, no more then a hundred yards out, "whenever your ready Daniel take the shot." Once he said that I line up my shot, and squeeze the trigger, hearing the nice old ring of rifle fire off.

When I look back through the scope of my rifle, I see it's down, "nice shot Daniel, now let's go get it." Once we both get over to it, I realize that I had hit it in it's throat, "that's a hell of a shot Daniel, I see that you have improved to this degree."

Improvement, that word hits me, thinking that I've improved, eventhough I've done very little, I just feel unworthy of the complement from grandfather. After cutting out what we are capable of carrying back to the house, we leave the rest for whatever might want the leftovers.

The walk back home isn't easy now that I'm carrying around sixty pounds of meat on my back. Infact it felt even more difficult, eventhough I had trained at base camp with a fourty pound backpack, carrying sixty pounds just feels like a completely different challenge.

"Struggling with the weight on your back Daniel, or is it just my guess in me say that your not used to having to carry around sixty pounds on your back?" When I tell him that the most we were carrying for training was fourty pounds he became a bit confused. "That's odd, back when I was a soldier we would do almost a hundred, so no crying, and get used to it, think of it as vacation training."

The thought of doing work on vacation was demotivating, however it could prove to be useful in the posibble upcoming future, so without anymore complaints in my head I do my best to make it back home.

When we finally do make it back home the sun had left its high noon position, and was maybe only a few hours from setting. "Alright Daniel I'll make up the dinner tonight, I'll have you clean out the rifle since I noticed some more smoke then usual come from it."

After agreeing with what he said I lay down the kill for him to prepare up, then I go off to my room to clean out the barrel of the gun. While examining it I see the mechanism inside is starting to rust a little, knowing that's not good I decide to also polish it up and clean away the rust, and with in some time the rust is completely gone.

Once that was finished I hang it back up on the wall, then walk into the bathroom to wash up from today's activities before attending dinner. The feeling of being clean is always nice after a long day of trecking through the forest paths.

Getting out of the bathroom refreshed, I turn to see and smell the meat cooking on the stove, "give me some more time with it, it's not ready yet."

Instead of doing something else, I just sit down and listen to some radio chatter, also it's nice to know the military frequency we use, because it allows me to listen into some things on the other end.

The first thing I hear is static, but then I hear some people on the radios talking about something, " this is Battle Stategist Hawk here reporting to science base, how is project Manhattan, or final will coming along."

"This is General White, final will is coming along smoothly, however another six or seven years will be needed until final will is ready." Thinking back, I remembered General White had a brief case with him containing documents on something, however I still don't know what this final will is.

After some more commotion on the radio I turn it off, ultimately deciding just to wait for dinner to be done. The thought of asking grandfather about White comes to mind, but I brush it off, as I see the food finally finished as it arrives at the table.

"Thanks grandfather, this looks amazing." He smiles, knowing he did a good job on the meal he made, "so tomorrow your going to visit Rebekah I take it?" The swift question catches me off guard, making me almost cough up my food.

"That was supposed to be a secret, so how the hell did you figure this out?" The chuckles follow soon after he, "well I did go over to your job a few times after you left, and a very nice young lady there helped me to find some books, so I just took a guess, and looks like it was true."

Speechless at what he said, however I can't deny what he said, so I just tell him everything between me and her. Once I finish talking, I look up to see my grandfather with a small smile across his face, "alright old man I know what your about to say."

"What do you mean Daniel, I'm not thinking anything, I'm just thinking of possibly the future, nothing to crazy." The fact he's thinking of the future makes it crazy enough, while we continue to sit and eat, I continue to remember the old times with my grandfather, and it feels nice.

"Hey grandfather, it's very nice to be back." Another smile goes across his face, as we continue to talk, as we both eat dinner together, the time we both have spent as grandchild and grandfather, makes me happy inside, because truly, I don't know when I'll be home next time.