Whole Other Dimension


I was not even sure what happened to the drink I seemed to crave so much as I left the ballroom and headed straight to the bathroom. The air in the hall just felt so uncomfortably stuffy and hot that I found myself desperate to leave as soon as I could. 

My stomach wrenched whenever I thought about what I just said to Ethan. It was unprecedented and most definitely unexpected. He always managed to get under my skin in ways no one else had before. 

Whether when I was a nine year old boy ready to punch him for teasing me for being scared of sheep, a sixteen year old boy who was helplessly in love with him and now a twenty-five year old man who still somehow lost control whenever he was near. 

He did not even seem to be affected by our close proximity. It was just another Tuesday to him because he did not even bat an eye when our eyes met the first time I climbed out of the car. I was not sure what I expected from him. 

For him to immediately crumple and beg for me at my feet? Last time I had seen him, I made it very clear that we were not to get together ever again. 

I hated the mind games, the way he knew how to temporarily make me forget about everything around me. I splashed some water onto my face to cool down then wiped it dry with a paper towel. My skin had become slightly blotchy on my forehead due to the stress and I swore I spent almost ten minutes trying to calm it down before I went back to the party. 

"Where have you been?" Vasilisa was already waiting by the door in her blood red cocktail dress. "Dad is about to make a speech."

"I just went to the bathroom," I sighed as she quickly led me to our family table. 

I looked up to the stage to see Uncle Yavok, Grandpa Cameron, Dad who stood in front of a podium, Ethan and now Vasilisa all standing close by. Ethan looked cool, calm and collected as usual. 

"Thank you all for attending our celebratory event for the new CEO of Coleman Enterprises," Dad beamed and allowed us all to clap then continued once it had died out, "My father Cameron Coleman started this company exactly sixty five years ago. Our family has always had the goal of raising this company to new heights. To break barriers and pave a new path in all our projects and investments. 

When I took over the company there was a lot of pressure to succeed which I naturally did with my good looks and charm." Pa was the first at our table to let out a scoff and loud laugh which made everyone follow.

"Well thank you my beautiful husband," Dad playfully rolled his eyes at Pa who blew him a kiss, "When I handed this company over to Yavok I knew he would uphold the standards which the Coleman's did with ease. Not only did he continue to hold the light but managed to train others. 

Thirty years ago I met Ethan and his father on a trip to New Zealand and I knew there was something special about him. I had the privilege of watching him become the strong young man he is today and I could not be more proud that I had a helping hand in shaping the man he is.

Ethan, take on your new role as CEO with a dignity and power no one else has ever seen. As the new generation of our company I know you will bring fresh new ideas and help broaden our horizons. You are like a son to me and I could not be more proud to see this day."

We all gave Dad a standing ovation as he hugged Ethan tightly and kissed the side of his head before letting him take his rightful place at the podium. I knew how much Ethan hated public speaking which had not changed by how his eyes nervously looked around the room. 

"Thank you all for coming today to, well, celebrate me," he sheepishly smiled which made a lot of women giggle as they practically swooned. "Um, I have so many things that I want to say but- none of them could convey the gratitude I feel to the Coleman family who have accepted me with open arms. 

I would like to thank the whole family and most importantly my parents," he smiled at Uncle Damien who literally looked like the sun. 

"Over the years I have sacrificed a lot to get here," his light and fun personality disappeared as his eyes settled on me. Oksana looked at me with a cheeky grin which irritated me beyond words. "I have made choices that I often regret and at times I would sit by myself and wonder was it all worth it.

The answer is yes, because if I had never chased after my dream I would have never learned what was the most important thing to me and that would always be family. I have been fortunate enough to be blessed with such a large, supportive and caring family that no matter what path I chose I know they would always be there to catch me if I fell.

With the new title as CEO, not only do I want to grow the company but build bonds that will never break. Build a family with our business partners and clients that we all support each other's success as we reach our own. I want to create a legacy that stays true to Coleman Enterprise and to myself. 

That to me, love and gratitude is the most important tool and no matter what, you should always fight for what you love."

His eyes had not swayed from mine for one second as he delivered his final line. My stomach had long dropped to the centre of the earth as I absorbed each and every one of his words. Ethan had never been great with words but I truly believed everyone in the room had goosebumps after his speech. 

It took me a second to realise everyone was clapping and standing but I was quick to shyly join as I looked everywhere but Ethan. Uncle Yavok, Vasilisa and Grandpa Cameron all said their speeches afterwards but it felt like I was floating in a whole other dimension as I squirmed in my seat because not once had his eyes moved away from me.