He Was


Ethan gently held a glass of sugar water to my lips for me to drink. I willingly obliged as my eyes did not tear away from his face for one single second. His eyes had been everywhere but not once had they connected with mine since we had left the garage. 

I wished I could read how he felt in the moment, what he thought of me just popping up in his garage looking hysterical which I was in that moment. It was not the wisest choice for me to drive here when I was like that, it was a miracle I was able to keep my composure for that long. 

A part of me wondered what I would have done if I did not find him in his garage. I would have probably sat in the car overthinking until I chickened out and went back home. Yet home was the last place I wanted to be right now. Pa would use his soothing gentle voice to try to convince me not to be angry with Dad and Dad would probably cook his way into getting my forgiveness.