Stop The Baddies


Ethan's little cabin was the cutest sight I had ever seen as we drove up to it on a grey pebble road. The entire area was beautiful farm lands with trees spread out which gave us enough privacy but did not shut us off from the entire area. He pointed out what was being farmed on which plot of land as if it was his own. 

He could identify crops simply by looking at the leaf which was a skill I always admired about him. He was a nature boy through and through. 

The cabin looked a lot like the one Pa and Dad loved to spend time in when we visited New Zealand next to Uncle Damian's farm. The wood was different however as the cabin was made out of oak wood than the cherry dark wood. There was a small detached garage with a tin roof next to it that seemed too small for the Lamborghini to fit in. 

"Are you sure it will fit?" I raised my eyebrow as Ethan put the car in neutral.