Facts and Sulk


I had to take a deep breath in and out before I pushed open the door of my apartment then poked my head in. I was glad to find my brothers were not stalking the foyer to find out if I was lying about going to the office or if I truly snuck out to see Demyan. 

Yet I figured by my missing Fortuner that maybe they had gone out to cause chaos somewhere else and get it out of their system before they saw me. 

I could hear Pa and Dad laugh from the living room so I made sure to go to them first before I dragged myself upstairs. 

"Good morning," I smiled when I entered and found them watching a Dutch movie about what looked like a farmer. At times I truly believed Pa's world only revolved around farming because it was all he talked about. 

I gave Dad a hug and kissed his cheek before I did the same with Pa.