Make This Easy For Me


"You were never going to go through your pregnancy alone," I lifted her hand to kiss the back of her palm, "I was going to support you all the way."

"I want a partner though," she held the side of my face, "I don't want a best friend. I want to feel special and loved and I know you can give me that. I regret not coming with you to London immediately, maybe this Ethan mess would have never happened in the first place."

"He is resilient," I frowned, "I think it would have simply fueled his drive."

"I'm scared of the embarrassment of my family finding out," she confessed, "Everyone was already celebrating the news that you might not be serious about me and imagine them finding out you cheated on me. My life will be so much worse. I don't think I would ever be able to show my face in Trinidad ever again. They will be too cruel."

"But I'd still be by your side."