Stupid Boy


"I think you should wear a wig," Oksana ran her hands over my head with a pout, "I don't like this look at all."

"Okay Sana," I sighed for the one hundredth time. She had been going on and on about my round head for what felt like forever now. It seemed to really disturb her that I was practically bald now. 

"You do look weird," Vasilisa frowned as she sat on the couch opposite us. Sana sat on my lap so she could inspect my head even further. "We'll take you to the hairstylist tomorrow so they can source a wig for you that looks similar to your hair."

"I think I look nice, you know. It's something new," I smiled, "Who knows maybe it will trend.'

"Imagine Pa without his hair," Sana furrowed her eyebrows. I tried to imagine it but it just did not look right. "Our point exactly. You just do not look right."