Spirit Vegetable


Eli was a bundle to deal with. He was just as attentive and sweet as Demyan had been when he was a little boy. Anyone could see he was on his best behaviour because he wanted to impress me but there were little moments of defiance here and there plus the spark of mischief in his eyes was extremely noticeable. 

We ate a light lunch together and he offered me a carrot. 

"He loves carrots," Demyan chuckled as he ran his hand over his son's bright blonde hair, "He says they're his spirit vegetable."

"Spirit vegetable?" I smiled, "He's quite imaginative."

"I have a farm, Uncle Eaten," Eli beamed, "And a tractor. Would you like to see them?"

I looked at Demyan who gave me a tight lip smile. I knew that was a definite no, but I would be cruel to also shoot the child down, "Maybe one day, when I have time."