Make Sense


"Which car do you want to take today, Belli?" I held her little hand as we stood in my garage. 

I had tied her hair up into a high ponytail with a massive yellow bow that matched her puffer jacket, denim jeans and her feet were covered by her little veldskoene. She pouted her lips as she hummed before she let go of my hand and ran to the orange and black McLaren I saved for special occasions. 

"I don't know if it's baby friendly," I laughed as she tried to open the door but it was locked. 

"Let's go Daddy, let's go!" she sang cutely as she hopped around the car before she ran back to me and threw herself in my arms. 

"You have to promise not to tell Oupa (Damien)," I pressed my index finger to my lips indicating it would be our little secret. 

She nodded eagerly, pressed her finger to her lips and cutely shushed. "I promise Daddy."