Get In Loser


"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" I ran my fingers through my hair then lightly gripped it, "I'm happy, it's not that I'm having any doubts. Demyan had reassured me that this time would be different. I can feel it but you know sometimes when you're in love you can ignore all the red flags."

"Does he treat Belli well?" Pa softly smiled. 

I nodded, "He treats her just like his children. He picks her up sometimes so she can spend time with Eli and Lia. She's been to the mansion for sleepovers when I'm too busy with work. She's happy when she's with him. Doesn't make me feel like I'm a single parent sometimes."

"And he treats you well?" Dad tilted his head to the side with a bright glint in his eyes.

"Most definitely. Feeds me a lot as well," I chuckled as I lightly held my face already feeling the added weight gain. "I'm happy."