Ginger Tumeric Shot


"Is he alright?" I quickly approached Uncle Ed as he came from the back entrance where Demyan was getting ready to present in just five minutes. 

Uncle Ed chuckled, "Apparently he drank some ginger tumeric shot that's not sitting right with him. Vasili's busy holding up his hair. He absolutely hates ginger. I don't know why he thought it would be a good idea to take it before he presents."

Worry fluttered in my stomach, "Should I go check on him? Make sure he's alright."

He gently placed his hand on my shoulder, "He told me to quote this word for word if you wanted to come 'Ethan, please don't come. I'm being gross and icky right now. Thanks babe.' I think that is your answer."

I let out a sigh before I rubbed my hand onto my beard, "What was he thinking?"