

I ran my fingers through my hair as I leaned against the doorframe of the dressing room. My one hand held my phone to my ear as the phone rang for what felt like forever. Leave it to Malia to not pick up her phone after three calls. I knew she was with Dad so if I was not successful I would eventually just have to call him. 

Yet finally when all had met it's despair she picked up sounding breathless, "I ran- I ran-" she huffed before she coughed, "Are you alright? You called three times. Are the babies alright?"

I let out a chuckle, "Everyone's perfect, are you alright?"

"Don't tell me you just made me run from the set all the way to my trailer to ask me if I was alright? Demyan, I'll slap the back of your head if you've done this to me."

"No, no, I have important business to discuss."

"Well then discuss away," she laughed.