Kiss Your Cheek


"Can we please just talk about this?" he held the side of my face, "Please don't get upset. I promise you Demyan with everything in me he just wants a chance to apologise."

"I'd rather kill myself," I folded my arms across my chest. "And don't come and tell me I'm having a diva moment Ethan cause I swear I'll throw you into Wilhelm's arms. The last time I saw him I was so stressed I collapsed in New Zealand. Do I have to remind you or has he brainwashed you so well that you forgot?"

"I would never forget," he argued, "You know I wouldn't. Demyan the first time I saw him I was ready to throw punches but he looked remorseful. Genuinely, he put his pride aside and begged me to please hear him out. We have been friends since Eli's age, Demyan. It's hard to throw such a friendship out of the window."

"Even when he is homophobic and treats your boyfriend like trash?"