That Theory


"Dem, your ten o'clock is here," Kyla poked her head into my office after knocking with a small smile.

"Do you like this cream white or this cream white?" I held up two different paint samples to her. 

She walked in to get a better look and stood next to me at my desk. Now the thing that would have gotten everyone about the colours was that they looked exactly the same, but us design experts would see one had a blue tone to it whilst the other had a more sun kissed tone to it. 

She tapped her fingertip to her chin as she hummed, "The sun kissed. Suit your skin more." She held it up. "It would look great against your skin. Why? What is it for?"

I smiled, "The Hiddleson mansion. Ethan and I are looking at a few samples so I can get everything in place."

"It's all over the news," she gasped, "Demyan, you're the luckiest soul. If that isn't the grandest gesture of love. I don't know what is."