Baby! Baby!


"Baby!" I happily called out when I entered the townhouse only to be met with utter silence. It was weird to come home and not be tackled by three tiny bodies and a cat but Lia had taken Bunbun with them to Italy. It was a non-negotiable term. 

"Baby!" I called out for Demyan again as I ditched my shoes by the foyer, hung up my laptop bag to get later and my coat. It was raining cats and dogs in Scotland that even though here it was freezing I preferred it than rain. Yet as I looked out to the darkening sky I had a feeling that would not last for long. "Are you teasing me?" I chuckled. 

Demyan sometimes played a hide and seek game with me when I got home from a trip before he tried to scare me. It never worked but I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy it every single time. I had gotten him a little surprise and I was buzzing with excitement.