System Admin

Making his way quickly towards the tide of monsters, Connor takes this chance to look at a certain skill that caught his eye.

[Skill: Luminous Night

Cost: 20MP/pm (per minute)

Skill Duration: ♾️

Skill Description: A skill for OCK Job holders that transforms their weapons and equipment of choice to the Dark and Light elements. Costs 100MP for each item transformed. Can also change the shape of the transformed equipment.

Using this skill will enhance the player's INT stat by 5 times depending upon Rank and Level.

Current Power Output: Peak Rank 1 (Level 53)]

After reading its description, Connor thinks this is the best skill to use during his battle with the stampeding monsters.

If Connor is not mistaken, this should be the Bonsai Plains Beast Tide event that takes place a few weeks from now.

As Connor did not start in the Bankai Star Empire, certain details were missing.

He didn't expect that there would be multiple tides. The tide he remembers had close to 10,000 monsters in it. A few Elite monsters mixed in while they were led by a Lord-ranked creature named Samts—

'Son of a b*tch. It's him!'

Connecting the dots, Connor hurriedly jumped into action.

Upon noticing a person leaping great distances toward them, the soldiers fleeing flailed their arms around while yelling for him to go back.

Connor, now within earshot, hears them but continues to leap. The monsters themselves were confused as well.

Why is this human seeking death? Is it a special delivery just for them?

Concerned that they wouldn't get enough to eat, the monsters revel in the fact that there's an additional item on the menu. They rush even more fervently.

When Connor gets about 10m in front of the onrushing tide, he activates Luminous Night.

He immediately activates the Light element on Vibrant Mitigation. Its already dazzling silvery mercury-like texture is now as luminous as the sun.

The novice sword he held takes on the darkest of nights.

Its reflective, dull blade is now so dark that it sucks in light.

Both weapons are in complete contrast to each other's dazzling appearance.

Taking this time to think, in a second, Connor decides he might as well transform all of the novice clothing into armor.

Connor's current appearance is a mix of both Light and Dark. In retrospect, Connor looks like he is donning a suit of light and dark armor.

A second later, Connor throws his dark sword at a bear-like monster who was inches a from having bitten a female soldier's head off.

He also takes this time to scan every monster for their levels. Which do not exceed Level 30.

The sword didn't stop there as it kept slicing through 5 more monsters.




-22074 (Critical Hit)



Not surprised by the damage being dealt, Connor jumps straight into the tide.

All the aggro the soldiers had accumulated now went to Connor who is the strongest.

Creating a line of darkness that wrapped around his sword, Connor swings the sword in a wide arc.

The arc itself creates a small wall of sharp dark energy that sweeps past the monsters. Each monster that came in contact with the energy arc was sliced in half.

A cat monster tried to attack Connor from behind by jumping and biting at his neck but Connor pulled a reverse uno card and grabbed it by its neck with Vibrant Mitigation and squeezed.


However, something unexpected happened. The monster killed with Vibrant Mitigation was soon absorbed by it.

Right after this, Connor notices that the fingers on Vibrant Mitigation grow claws.

Pleasantly surprised by this new ordeal Connor engaged more battle with the monsters.

Five minutes go by and Connor has killed more than 75 monsters. Everywhere Connor went, monsters screamed and limbs flew.

Each time he moved, a light gold and black blur would follow in his wake as he was moving back and forth so fast, that his body would leave an afterimage.

The remaining twenty soldiers who were running, looked behind them to see if they were still being chased when they were met with utter surprise.

The new guy is still alive? And he's not even being pushed back?

The female soldier whom Connor saved gasped.

"He's still alive! Who is he? Is this the reinforcements the captain told us about," the female soldier says.

"I don't think so, Lieutenant. He didn't appear to have the empire's armor. Plus, I've never seen a Light Element user with that kind of destructive power. It's unheard of," one soldier next to her replies.

"Yeah! Light users are typically healers. They never engage in battle. I don't think we even have many in the empire. And if they're found, the Church gets them ninety percent of the time."

The female soldier, now known as Lieutenant, nods her head.

"This is an unexpected situation. That guy has to be at least Rank 2 with how fast he's moving. But his magic power is almost twice that of Rank 2's. Maybe he's a rank 3?

He's slicing through monsters like he's cutting grass. Who is this warrior?"

At this moment, all the soldiers stop and observe Connor's destruction of the monster tide.

"Not to mention his physical strength is as good as his magic. To train both magic and physical power to that level… he must be a genius of the royal family," a soldier with a big eye says, eyeing Connor with admiration in his eyes.

"Uh, Lieutenant. Should we go help? The monsters are beginning to overwhelm him."

Nodding her head, she begins to start running when all they see is an explosion of dome-shaped light expanding 100m in circumference.

The previous hundreds of monsters were now reduced to four dozen or so.

This gave Connor room to breathe. And to think a bit more as the monsters were a bit scared of Connor.

All the monsters who were affected by the light explosion were charred to crisps.

The remaining were stuck in place and unaware of how to proceed.

'This is insane. The battle instinct of the Wearh race is a bit too much. If I can become a prime master in this life, I will be able to begin to learn this specific battle style.'

At this moment in time, Connor was marveling at the destructive power of the OCK Job class. If he had more knowledge in the magic class, he would be able to cause a significant increase in damage output.

At this moment in time, Connor just reached Level 11 when he received a notification.



+1 Level


Unique Weapon: Traitorous Wolf

1,000 Gold Coins.

Note: Abnormality Found. Extracting Player for inspection.]

As the system notification is finished being read by Connor, he immediately blacks out and disappears from the battlefield.

The soldiers watching him are shocked that he could just disappear like that.

"Just like that? Did he disappear? Did he use a teleportation stone? Why'd he disappear?" A soldier with a straw hat and katana shouts.

"I don't think so. There was no magic fluctuation to activate a teleportation stone. Nor was there a magic array. Was it… innate tele—" The Lieutenant didn't dare to finish her statement.

Only one person in the entire empire has innate teleportation. And that person is none other than the…



In a vast space filled with nothing but dark tendrils of 1s and 0s, a giant eye with thousands of smaller eyes floated in the middle of the space. Each eye was focused on different small screens ten feet in front of them.

With all the screens ten feet in front of it, they all appeared as though they were a force field of orange.

Suddenly, a line of orange pixelated lights cascade down in front of it onto a smooth, flat platform.

A second later, a confused Connor is there. Well, he's turned around facing away from the giant eye.

Amazed to find himself in a giant space similar to some movie's interpretation of a computer world.

Different lights upon tens of thousands, if Connor had to guess, of tendrils went to and fro.

As the lights went off far into the distance well past his enhanced vision, Connor followed a light closest to him that went behind him and saw the most horrific scene.

Imagine fighting monsters and suddenly being blacked out and teleported only to end up in front of the most gigantic octopus.

Well, semi-octopus as the "arms" were just tubes of data being transferred to a platform that transformed into an orange energy beam straight into an eye below it.

A godd*amn giant octopus 2000m in length and height floated before Connor.

To make matters worse, it has thousands of eyes pointing in all directions giving it a full 360° view. If it wanted to see in other spectrums of light or even see magic, it could see everything.

Just knowing this thing's approximate height was enough to scare Connor to death.

Connor fought furiously to stay awake but, no amount of willpower will be able to suppress its aura and presence.

Just as he was about to lose consciousness, a light flashed on one of the octopus's eyes and Connor regained awareness but could not move his body.

[Scanning Player Nebula for abnormalities. Abnormality found.]

A series of lights scan every square inch of Connor's body from head to toe. Nothing was left unscanned.

[Identifying abnormality.]


[Motherboard 5.0 initiation of Protocol: Temporal Soul Shift found. Relocating Player Nebula #2 now.]

[Player Found.]

[Protocol: Soul Coalescence commencing…]

Once this protocol was engaged, a white, misty light ball appeared in front of Connor.

It then falls straight into this soul/mind and begins merging with it. All parts syncing together except all the events that transpire after his father's death.

[Protocol complete. No abnormalities were found. Player Nebula is free to wander the Shattered Realms unfettered.]

Falling to his knees in extreme pain, more extreme than when the lighting god activated his legacy, Connor sees streams of sweat and dark-red fluids drain from his pores. Enough to form a large puddle.

A system notification pops into view:

[In the presence of:&@"#, your body and mind have been thoroughly cleansed of the Inferior Human Race and have now been completely changed to that of the Ancient Wearhs.

All stats +200

All resistances +1000

All Hidden stats +300

World Synchronicity +2

The title, "Touched by the ????", and title, "Progenitor of the Wearh", have been unlocked. Please see details of title.]

"This… who are you," is the only thing Connor could muster to ask.





[ :/ ]

"What? You're the one sending question marks to me!"

[Identification of System Administrator is denied.]

"Even a powerful being such as yourself is restricted? Just what is your purpose in bringing me here?"

[Discovered abnormality in the Player's soul. Detected duplicate soul. Merged.]

Taking the time to ponder, Connor found this to be a logical thing. What happened to the previous Connor's soul? He couldn't have merged. His clarity and talents would double. However, nothing felt different.

'So, the system held the old me and merged us now. But, this is just a game? How could it take my consciousness?'

"Okay, System Administrator, how many of you are there? Is that woman from my past an administrator as well? I assume she is one," Connor asks the giant eye.

[Information inquiry denied. Sending Player Nebula back to the playing field.]

"No, wait!! Answer m—"

Before Connor can finish his statement, he is teleported exactly where he was back in the Bonsai Plains.

Like a certain alien from an anime using a teleportation technique, Connor's body appears on the battlefield.

Seeing that the time was not long and a few seconds occurred in the outside world, Connor takes his frustration out on the remaining monsters.

He stomps on the ground with darkness infused in his leg and lets out a giant explosion 100ft in diameter.

Everything within 100ft was destroyed. Only black, charred icey earth is left behind.

Hearing gasps, Connor turns around toward the few NPC soldiers remaining and observes them. But, only one catches his attention.

[Character: Melinda Arkov

Job: Strategic Lancer

Rank: 1 (Level 57)

Potential: 150

HP: 25,843/50,000 (Healthy but injured)]

Connor didn't even bother checking her basic information because he already knew her history.

'Huh? Why's she here?'