Alter Group

Although the question had been asked, Raze felt like he was in a situation where he was forced to give only one answer. What would they do if he said no? After telling him all of this, they wouldn't just let him go, and they had a card they could use against him, given the situation he was in right now.

"What tasks will I be given?" Raze asked. "I'm sure I won't be very helpful; I'm just a kid."

"Our group is one that works behind the scenes," Himmy answered. "Because of Charlotte's powers and my investigation skills, we are on the investigation team and get sent all over the continent.

"You will first start as a low-ranking field agent. You won't have access to a lot of information, but your duties will be small. Once a month, we will ask you for a report, and you are to report any unusual activities that could be related to our line of work. If something comes up in the area you are in, then you might get called to help us out now and again."