Keep Moving Forward

The statue and Crine continued their large-scale battle, with large amounts of Qi flowing out from their attacks. Both were bashing their limbs and weapons against each other one after another, and several ripples followed each strike.

Neither of them had slowed down yet, and it didn't appear as if they would. However, Crine was noticing something.

"You are just a statue in the end; it looks like you're crumbling away!" Crine commented. With his next punch, the force of his visual water Qi created a ripple extending out in front rather than behind him.

The attack caused Crine's hands to fling back slightly as the power from the statue was slightly stronger, but he could see that as the visual Qi hit the statue, more of it was crumbling away.

"Now I know what to do." Crine switched his attack patterns, swinging his leg out and bashing against the statue's arm. The ripples of Qi energy were being sent to the statue.