A bloodbath

Entering the town on their own, the two guys couldn't stop turning their heads and using their coin to buy snacks, ornaments, and more. It had been a long time since they were able to just do this.

To just enter a town, or a city and enjoy it for what it was. Even though they knew they were here for a reason. As for the second thing, it was the first time they had money available as well.

It seemed like not just Simyon but even Liam had lived a life that was filled with poverty, especially the way they were spending coin.

"Can you guys cool it a little?" Safa asked. "We don't even have a place where we can put all of this stuff."

"Don't worry, I paid a carriage man to look after our excess items and we can use him to head back as well. I don't think it's a problem," Liam said.