Everyone Colides

Inside the main church hall, both Simyon and Liam were observing the situation. They were counting how many members there were and waiting for the perfect chance to take them out. It was Liam who was doing the calculations in his head as he sorted through everything he could see.

"It looks like there's no perfect option either way," Liam stated. "Due to the amount of them there are, and the angles, if we take out two of them at the same time, someone will spot us. So we're just going to have to go with it."

"Or we could be a little patient and wait. It seems like Safa hasn't acted yet, and who knows if these religion members are going to leave the room or not."

They waited for the perfect chance. There were around eight members dressed in the colorful clothing. The good thing was there didn't appear to be any worshippers or ordinary citizens inside the building at the moment.