A Transfer Of Power

Unlocking what had happened with her brother, that was the reason why Safa had pushed herself into this situation. Why she had gone further than originally intended. She had somewhat learned the truth already from one of the Rylon Religion members, but she couldn't quite believe it.

Raze, her brother, was part of the religious cult, and he had agreed to sacrifice their whole family? What for—to summon a Divine being from above, and then take their power to be delivered to another figure known as the Sun God.

Not only did the ritual sound ridiculous and unbelievable, but the reason for her brother doing such actions sounded ridiculous as well. When trapped in the magic circle she thought back again and again to those times.

How was her brother? Was he angry at their parents for never living a life of luxury, for never having a single day with no food in his belly? The more she thought about it, the more she remembered the times she saw resentment on his face.