Fear The Unseen

With the plan set in motion and the help of others, Raze might even be able to pull off the entire situation in a single day, he believed. Which was a big relief. The words of Fixteen were in the back of his mind, that every time he did go away, something big seemed to happen. So he wanted to get it sorted even quicker than planned.

"Dark Spirit!" Harvey said. "I will get on the task as quickly as possible. It would be great if you could be involved in this as well. I believe showing the world your great powers will be able to strike fear and allow for holes to open up in our enemies as they scramble.

"Of course, I can handle this myself, but it was just a thought I had."

"I will have to arrive at some point to claim the items," Raze answered. "So if it comes to it and I have time, I will, but as you can see, I have other matters that I will be dealing with as well."