[Last Life: Be the game changer]
Was a game with story mode which was a single player mode and PVP mode. It was awarded to be the best game of 22nd century with millions of daily active users worldwide. Story mode was extremely fantasizing, with aristocratic, legendary beasts, monsters, reality turning magical and unprecedented fantasy novelty elements.
The uniqueness of the game was that there were original characters everywhere with many different stories for even NPCS who came and went like one-time events.
The game had towers and Labyrinths as level up elements; including: monster hunts, monsters wave, and demonic elements.
Everything fantasized in the real world can be given life to in-game, which was the reason the have [Last Life] became famous. The events and in-game updates were rare and mostly unnecessary in the early games, but as users or players began to max out their classes, the in-game updates became very frequent, thanks to the game managers giving an opportunity for the users' to create skills that never existed in the game.
'.....Wow.... I didn't know that death could be so peaceful.....' Ken, who seemed to wandering in nothingness, thought.
'I must be privileged to be able to think even in death....'
Something shone in a distance and the light began glimmer brighter and brighter as it seemed to be approaching Ken's wandering soul.
'Ah hell nah!' He thought as he tried to turn to the other side and even succeeded, but something grabbed him from his sides, it felt as if the hands of a giant had held him, and slowly, gently as if scared they would crush him, the hands gently turned him towards the light and began to push him towards the light.
'No, no, no, no, no!!!!!' Ken screamed in horror as something was pushing him towards the light, it wasn't long before screams of a woman and mumbles of some alien language trickled Ken's ears as the light neared.
A pair of giant hands pulled his head gently as light glared through his closed eyelids that felt too heavy to be opened; before long, somebody or something held him upside-down ignoring his wailing curses as his consciousness began to numb with a sharp slap's pain on his ass and;
"Uwaaaaa!!!!" Cries of a new born baby resounded in the wooden shack-like room before Ken's consciousness faded.
A crude bearded, bear-like man called out at his wife, who had went through heavy labour to give birth to his stubborn son, who didn't seem to want to come out.
The man, Marshal, had brown, unruly hair with black coloured eyes. The laboured woman, Marshal's wife, Lauren, had laboured breath, huffing and gasping for air with tears and sweat marring her beautiful face. She had dark, silky black hair with darker black eyes; she was chubby as she had gained weight to give birth to an healthy baby, but seemed to have lost at least 5 kilos of fat in the last hour as she pushed and pushed her stubborn son who was said to have been trying to remain in her warm womb.
Marshal tucked her wet hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead with tears welled up in his eyes, hurt seeing his loveable wife in pain.
The elderly woman with a hunched back spoke with a light giggle as she brought the couple's son close to show them, while the rest, four, other women who had helped in the child's delivery chuckled softly at the village elder's comment.
"Mark. We'll call him Mark." Marshal announced as he gazed at his stubborn son with a bright, foolish smile.
"Mark...." Lauren mumbled under her breath as she gently kissed her son's forehead and fell asleep.
2 years later.
'..... Damn.' Ken, or now, Mark anxiously muttered in his mind as he paced around on all fours under the intense gazes of his parents, Lauren and Marshal.
"Ouw wui wao wuiowious!?" Mark muttered. He actually wanted to yell 'How did this happen!?' but his tongue didn't turn as he intended to and what came out of his mouth was utter baby-like gibberish that looked so cute from the outside that his parents couldn't help but chuckle softly while Lauren leaned her head back on Marshal's chest with a content smile, while the latter let out a hearty and unrestraint laughter.
Ken's mind had developed over the past two years after which he understood his past life's memories. He had understood his parents' alien language and even learned to pronounce them, of course, he couldn't speak out right now with his undeveloped tongue.
There were reasons for his anxiousness, first was due to his rebirth, a phenomenon in which he never believed, and the second reason, the most important reason for his anxiousness was due to the fact that his mother was beautiful, and he was powerless!
He could do nothing!
No, he had yet to accept the fact that Lauren was his mother and Marshal was his father, but it was an undeniable fact that they gave birth to him and though he didn't want to live, he was grateful to them.
So, if something happened to them while he was with them, he would have to recognise his feelings about them and would have to undeniably accept his feelings which declared that he loved them, quite dearly actually; they, his parents, were good people and he had grown attached to them over the past two years, which was only natural as their child.
But, whatever may happen;
It was hard for him to accept feelings directed at him with his past life's perfectly retained memories.
He had to get stronger.
Him blaming his weakness on his age wouldn't work.
Weak was weak.
Weak were devoured by the strong.
Fortunately for him, the world had supernatural powers of creation and destruction, known as [Mana].
He knew of the fact thanks to his father and mother using them in day-to-day activities, which also seemed to be the reason behind the world's nearly non-existent knowledge of higher technology which existed on Earth.
Of course, it wouldn't be called higher when there were yet to give life to ideas such as fully intelligent and independent robots and interactive holographic interfaces; of course, the reason maybe intentional as the fear of the unknown still existed. But when compared to the world he was born in, everything on Earth was higher tech. Of course, technology was replaced by mana artefacts, but that was a different matter since the humanity on Earth would have developed many unseen things by now if they had the same power that's influencing the world he lived in currently.
"Alright, Mark, that's enough playing around for today! Its milk time! Come here, come here, come here....." Lauren called out at Mark, who understandingly crawled towards his mother to get breastfed.