I noticed more than a few things in the last few days—my body was fluid and flexible; I was comfortable and entirely adapt. My situations seems strange at a cursory glance but clear the next instant; I cloud immediately assess my situation and efficiently come up with a solulu....I was never one to think and act, I was the kind act and adapt or be like damn, that's not good.
You understand?
Damn, you too? Lol.
Ahem, returning to the writing....
I took part in the skirmishes but from the atmosphere surrounding me, I could tell that the side I was on, was getting desperate; and I have learned many things in the past few days in the war that I now knew that all the flashy skills and abilities were useless for more than a few reasons....
If I had to re-count them one by one, it would be a pain....
We are too close to each other
We are playing the long game
The sooner you expend your energy, the sooner you find yourself dead