
By the time of the morning, Skyler was the first to wake up. She yawned and stretched herself as she sat up on the bed. She stared at Chris who was still sleeping on the couch.

Getting up from the bed, her eyes fell on the packages which was still on the ground as she left it last night and slept off.

Walking to where it was, Skyler picked it up and strolled across to her walk-in closet to unpack it. While she was unpacking the clothes Lucifer bought for her, she saw a sexy red lingerie which made her eyes grow wide.

' This man !!!! When did he even order it and she didn't know about it ' thought Skyler to herself. Sighing internally she dropped it on the table and unpacked the rest.

And then she saw the blue shirt she had worn to the clothing store. ' why does it have to smell like vanilla and why didn't he take his shirt back.

' Lucas, I know you plan to use this shirt to get back to me, nice try " Skyler said to herself.

Remembering his name, Lucas Grey. She had heard so many things about him, how ruthless he can be, some said he doesn't have a heart same as his PA, Jared Thompson.

She had no idea that he was the one she stayed with in his mansion for five days. How come she didn't recognize him ?. Well she wouldn't blame herself as she had heard that people hardly see him out in the public.

So there was no way she could recognize him, but then if what she heard about people saying that he was ruthless was true , then why was he kind to her.

He even came out in public to buy clothes for her. Something tells her that they knew themselves somewhere and she will find out.

After she finished unpacking the rest of the packages, she brushed her teeth, and bath putting on her jogging outfit.

By the time she was out of her walk-in closet, she saw that Chris was already awake with his hair rough and sleepy eyes. When their eyes met he smiled at her.

" Good morning baby girl " he greeted

" Good morning " Skyler greeted back.

" Did you sleep well, hope you didn't have any nightmare "

" Yes I slept well, surprisingly I didn't have any nightmare last night. I slept like a baby "

" That's good, where are you off to this morning " Chris asked cracking his knuckles.

" Oh, you know jogging as usual "

" Oh yeah "

" Are you coming with me ? you know so we can jog together " Skyler said.

" Naa I'll pass, I have to go back home and change. I also need to do something important today "

" What is that "

" I have something important to do at our SA base, yunno since you disappeared I took over your place. Mr Ken hasn't been himself ever since, he kept on say he was the cause of your death.... "

" Mr Ken, oh my God I need to go see him " Skyler said.

" Don't worry you can come later, I'll tell him that you ain't dead so you can rest "

" No I still need to see him "

" hmm, so where have you been " Chris asked and Skyler explained everything for him, how she found herself in Lucifer's house and stayed in his house for five days.

" You mean to tell me that you stayed in Lucas Grey's mansion for five days and he didn't do anything to you and he even bought you clothes, he even asked you out for real " Chris asked surprisingly.

" Yes it's the truth "

" Jeez , we searched for you and couldn't find out your location "

" You did ? "

" Yes "

" Something tells me that man has something he's hiding from me" Skyler said rubbing her jaw.

" Why did you say that "

" Or else why would he hide his location and you guys can't find me "

" Maybe he did it for some reasons as we know that he hadn't show up in public, not even once " Chris said.

" No, he's hiding something " Skyler refused to back down " do you know when we went to the restaurant with Maya I saw him standing right behind me, but before I could look at him, he had disappeared or maybe I was hallucinating "

" Ok maybe you need to rest more " Chris said.

" No, you don't understand, I mean I saw him in my dreams, whenever I start to have my usual nightmares about my parents death, he usually appear to me in my dreams and then everything will be calm "

" Hmm, are you sure "

" Yes I'm hundred percent sure, his the same Lucas Grey in my dreams, the same face and smile. I even asked him why does he always appear in my dreams, I also asked him if he knew me "

" And what did he say "

" He didn't say anything "

" I see, I'll try to find out about him wait... " Chris suddenly stopped talking and stared at Skyler with narrowed eyes.

" What ? "

" Were you the one who was on the news yesterday "

" Yes, that's was when he bought me the clothes " Skyler said.

" Hmm, this is serious " Chris stood up from the bed and straightened his clothes properly.

" What "

" Nothing, I should be on my way now " Chris said

" Oh yes, let go out together "

" What about Maya " Chris asked

" She's fine, I'll see her later "

" Ok " Chris said and stared at Skyler.

" Why are you staring at me like that "

He suddenly went to where she stood and gave her another tight hug as his eyes watered " you don't know how much I've missed you baby girl , I thought you were dead " he said.

Skyler patted his back, she felt his tears weting her clothes " I missed you too, I promised not to disappear again "

" All my c... calls and t... text you weren't picking up or replying them, I thought I lost you " Chris choked on his tears.

" It's alright I'm here now " Skyler patted his back and he finally let go of her kissing her forehead gently.

" Stop been such a crybaby, let's go " Skyler said and Chris smiled at her.

" Yeah, let's go ".

They finally left her apartment, Chris went home after making sure she was fine and Skyler went to jog as usual.

When she got to Mr Wesley's shop, he was surprised to see her " sky, where have you been " he asked as he rested his elbow on his shop peeking his head outside.

" I went on a vacation " Skyler said, she didn't want to go on explaining all that happened to her.

" How was your vacation "

" It was good " she didn't want to say it bad, she knew that Mr Wesley would ask her why her vacation was bad.

" That's good, here you go " he handed her her ice cream which she collected with a smile.

" Thanks " Skyler said.

" What about your friend Mirabel... Michelle was it " Mr Wesley tried remembering Maya's name.

" It's Maya " Skyler reminded him as she laughed.

" Oh yes, Maya how is she doing "

" She's good " Skyler said

" I think she likes my ice cream "

" Who wouldn't love your amazing ice cream, it's the best I've ever tasted " Skyler said.

" Did you remember what you said the first time you tasted my ice cream " Mr Wesley asked.

" Oh yes I did, I said this is so f*cking good " Skyler and Mr Wesley said together and they laughed.

After spending some time with Mr Wesley, Skyler left for home. When she got back home, she ate her breakfast of toasted bread and milk.

She changed her clothes, putting on a white loosed trouser and red polo shirt. She wore matching red sneakers and a red cap.

When she was done dressing, she left for SA base. On reaching there, she got in after passing so many security cameras and doors.

The people in there were shocked to see her as they all thought she was dead. Skyler greeted them with a smile and headed for Kendrick's office.

When Skyler got to the office, she knocked on the door.

" Come in " she heard Ken's voice from inside the office.

Skyler opened the door and entered to see Mr Ken busy with his laptop on his table. He didn't notice that Skyler was the one who knocked on the door and was now standing before him.

" What do you want " he asked still not looking up.

Taking a deep breath " Mr Ken " Skyler said to see his fingers stopped typing on the laptop, he gently raised his head to see who he thought he would never see again.

He stared at her for some minutes as if trying to be sure if she was really the one until he finally moved his lips to talk " Skyler "

" Yes, it's me " Skyler said as her eyes watered, she saw Ken stood up from his chair and walked closer to her " is it really my Skyler " he asked again.

" One and only " this time her tears were already falling.

" Come here " he said and Skyler ran straight to him and hugged him so tight, as he was taller than her. Skyler had to lift her feet up resting her head on the crook of his shoulder.

" It's all my fault " she heard him say.

" No, it isn't your fault " Skyler said.

" I shouldn't have sent you to Williams mansion, I sent you to die "

" I'm alive "

After some time Ken finally released her and held her cheeks which were soaked with her tears " where have you been, why can't we find your location "

" Someone saved me " Skyler simply said and thankfully she was glad he didn't ask her anything else.

Kendrick hugged her again and finally led her to sit on the chair, he asked her if she needed anything but she shook her head saying no.

There was silence until Skyler finally asked.

" Uhm is there any miss...."

" Yes, but you need to rest " Kendrick quickly replied her as he knew what Skyler was about to say

" So does that mean I won't be going for any missions again, cause I still want to "

" Yes, I almost lost you Skyler "

" I know, but I promise to be more careful this time please just give me one more chance "

" My answer is no "

" But.... "

" Skyler, you're a young girl. I know you're capable of protecting yourself but you need to take a break now, let Chris take over your work. He too will have to go with bodyguards from now on " Kendricks said with a serious face leaving no room for arguments.

" Okay " Skyler said and stood up from the chair and walked straight to the door " I'll go see Chris before I leave but..... "

" But what "

" I hope you change your mind and let me continue the mission but don't worry Chris will be with me and some bodyguards so you don't have to worry about me " Skyler said holding the door staring at him to know what he will say.

Seeing how stubborn she is, he could only shake his head " I'll think about it " he said.

Skyler gave him a small smile before closing the door and went to Chris office, when she got there she didn't bother to knock on the door and just barged in to see him busy too on his laptop.

He wore an headset over his ears and his round glass as usual, he was shaking his head which means he was listening to music.

Skyler tapped his shoulder and crossed her arms raising her left brow up. Chris almost fell of the chair due to shock as he took off his headset.

" Jeez you scared me " he said as he held his chest.

" What are you doing " Skyler used her jaw to point at the laptop.

" Oh I'm searching for Lucas mansion but I can't find it only his company , is that him ? " Chris asked pointing at Lucifer's picture on the screen.

" Yes, it's him " Skyler nodded her head " so anything about him ".

" Naa nothing strange about him except that he owns a company and some other things " Chris said crossing his arms.

" Hmm " Skyler hummed.

" So have you seen Mr Ken " he asked.

" Yeah, he said I needed a break "

" Yeah you do "

" No not that, like I won't be going on a mission again as I almost died "

" It's for your own good, I support him too "

" Buttttt ....." Skyler said grinning.

" But what "

" I told him I would go with you "

" I'm not surprised you'd say that and what did he say "

" He hasn't agreed yet but he said he will think about it "

" Hmm I see "




When Skyler got back home, she was exhausted as she bath and changed her clothes. She stared at Lucifer's blue shirt which she hanged separately from her clothes.

Sighing, she got to her bedroom and sat on the bed. She took her phone to call Maya when she saw a notification on phone her screen.

It was a text message from Lucas ' I missed you ' with a sad emoji.

Skyler stared at the text message not knowing what to do when another text came in.

' When you see my text message, text me back or you call me, my angel '

This time Skyler dropped her phone on her bedside table as if she was suddenly scared of her phone.

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