Bright Light

Bright light emitted through the open curtain of the window in the room. Skyler blinked her eyes several times due to the harsh light.

Memories of last night came to her, Lucas confession, those sincere sapphire blue eyes, and the warm kiss on her forehead. She didn't realize she was smiling and when she noticed, the smile on her face fell.

She sat up on the bed and place both her hands on cheeks, could it be what she was thinking that was happening to her.

What was wrong with her ?

Something was definitely wrong with her, getting up from the bed. She wore her slippers and headed straight to the bathroom.

While brushing her teeth, she stared at herself at the mirror when all of sudden she saw Lucas standing behind her. When she looked behind her she saw him and then he walked closer to her and held her waist resting his chin on her shoulder.

" Be mine " she heard him say.

How did he get into her house ?

Was he really here or she was...

The next seconds Skyler didn't see him again, she then realized she was hallucinating.

But his touch on her waist felt real and his voice, that sweet voice was...

" Oh God " Skyler said.

She can't believe she was just thinking about him standing behind her just now. She quickly brushed her teeth and then wore her jogging outfit.

Just then she remembered that today was Thursday, she didn't jog on Thursdays, it was her free day. Sighing internally, she sat back on her bed. 

She didn't have anything to do today, no missions as Kendricks had told her to stop, she didn't know if he will ever let her go for any missions ever again after what happened to her. 

She can't just sit at home and do nothing, she thought of finding a job to do. Even Maya goes to work and come back in the evening.

Maya had told her that she will tell her about her dating life, she needed tips from her as Skyler didn't have any idea of dating someone.

Skyler had never dated anyone, sometimes people thought Chris was her boyfriend as they were always together.

Talking about Chris, Skyler hadn't seen him dating any girl before or did he plan to stay single in his entire life till he got married. 

Skyler started feeling bored at the few minutes she stayed home, she couldn't call Maya as she would be busy at work.

It was still 10:14 am in the morning, she then took her phone to call Chris but he wasn't picking up. 

" Why aren't you picking up " she mumbled when she felt like she was been watched again.

She looked up to see Lucas sitting with her on her bed facing her, when she blinked he was no longer there.

Why was she seeing him ? 

She was thinking of him but she was trying to take him off her mind.

Was that why she was hallucinating and seeing him when he wasn't even there.

Shaking her head, she checked her phone and searched for his message, the last message he sent to her when she had ignored him.

' When you see my text, text me back or you call me my angel '

She should reply his message ? 

Or she should wait for Maya to tell her what to do, maybe she should wait for Maya to come back first from work.

' Hi ' she typed.

Skyler decided to send him ' Hi ' but she deleted it.

' Good morning ' she typed and deleted it again shaking her head.

' Hi ' she typed again wanting to send it for a start but her finger stopped mid-air.

Dropping the phone she decided to wait for Maya to come back, feeling hungry she left her phone on the bed and failed to notice that she had mistakenly sent the message to Lucas.


Lucifer was attending a meeting in the eleventh floor in the company. In the room, there was an oval shaped long table and twenty chairs arranged.

Each chairs were occupied with both male and females who were working in the company and Lucifer sat at the end on his comfortable plush chair.

He had a cold expression on his face as he rested his broad back against the chair, even upon the cold expression on his face, the ladies in the room were still drooling over him.

Once in a while they stole glances at him when he wasn't looking. Lucifer had worn a black long sleeve and black pants as well, he left open two buttons of his shirt which exposed a bit of his hard chiseled chest.

A glimpse of the tattoo on his chest could be seen, his hair which was combed neatly fell on his face. Lucifer was looking over a document on the large table.

In his left hand was a pen which he was twirling, there was a pin drop silence in the room, not a single sound could be heard only the sound of their breathing. 

Just then, Lucifer stop twirling the pen in his hand and looked up to face the people in the room. The ladies who had been stealing glances at him looked elsewhere.

" Begin " he said.

A middle-aged woman who had black hair which she parked neatly into a bun stood up to talk when Lucifer held up his hand.

" Where is Mr Watson ? " he asked as he could see an empty seat close to the woman who was about to talk when he stopped her. 

A man who should be in his thirties stood up, he had brown wavy hair. He was lean in physique and tall.

" Sir, Mr Watson isn't able to make it today here in meeting due to his health conditions " the man said.

" Hmm " Lucifer hummed and signaled the woman from before to start talking. 

Just before the woman could start talking again, Lucifer stopped her again for the second time.

He saw a notification popped up on his phone screen, picking his phone up he was about to frown when he saw a text message from Skyler. 

' Hi ' 

Just a simple hi from her, he smiled not aware of the wide eyes of the people in the room. They didn't believe what they were seeing.

Thier boss was smiling ?

Were they seeing things ?

What made him smile ?

They had never seen him smile as he was always wearing a cold expression on his face whenever they were having meetings like this. 

Last night Lucifer had decided to give Skyler some time to think about what he said to her. But he didn't expect her to send him a text so soon.

He had wanted to text her this morning but Jared had told him to wait for her to text him first and since then he had been frowning as he hadn't seen a single text form her.

' Good morning my angel, how was your night ' he texted her back.

He had forgotten there was a woman standing and waiting for him so she could begin what she had to say, the woman couldn't complain either.

After Lucifer had sent the message to Skyler, he dropped the phone back on the table and that's when he remembered that the woman was still standing.

" Continue " he said.


Skyler had just finished preparing her breakfast of fried eggs and toasted bread. She had also taken her bath, when she was in her walk-in closet she had taken her clothes to wear when she glanced at Lucas blue shirt.

Subconsciously she had touched the shirt unaware and didn't realize she was smiling, she was attracted to the vanilla scent from the shirt, the next moment she was already inhaling the shirt in her hands.

Skyler then realized what she was doing and she immediately let go of the shirt and left her walk-in closet to make breakfast for herself.

She now sat on her dinning table to eat her food when she heard her phone beep. She had remembered she had left her phone on the bed.

Walking back to her bedroom to take her phone, when she got to her bed, she took her phone to see a text from Lucas. 

' Good morning my angel, how was your night '

She tapped the message and then she saw that she had sent him a message first ' Hi '.

When ? How ?

She didn't send him a text, but then she decided to text him back when she heard a knock on her door and....

Thud !!

What was that?

" Maya " she called.

Of course it can't be Maya.

She dropped her phone back on the bed and look for something to protect herself with.

Walking up to the door with gentle steps, she tapped her passcode to unlock her door. She took a deep breath before opening the door to see.....


Chris was lying on her doorstep with blood all over his body. 

"Oh my God" Skyler gasped seeing Chris condition.

Looking around she didn't see anyone in sight, had he taking the elevator to her house and no one had seen him in his bloody state.

Was that why he wasn't picking up her calls ?

Skyler then pulled Chris into her house as she couldn't carry him. She closed her door and then turn him around to see his bloody face.

Chris clothes were stained with his blood, she gasps when she saw two holes on his shoulder close to his neck. 

Bullet holes ???

He had been shot.

Did he go for a mission and was shot and he had come all the way to her house.

Tears fell her from her eyes as she checked if he was still breathing, thankfully he was but it looks like he fainted.




" Why did you let him escape you fools " a man barked to his men who stood some distance away from him.

" Si.... Sir we didn't know when he....he escaped " one of his men said stammering.

" And you have the gut to tell me " the same man said.

" We are sorry sir, we would find out his location "

" Did he say anything about the girl " the man asked.

" No sir, he didn't say anything even as we were torturing him "

" We can't let him escape just like that, find out his location ASAP "

" On it sir "

" Get out from my sight ".