Skyler's Awake

The next morning, Skyler woke up with a throbbing headache. She groaned and sat up on the bed with her hand pressed against her forehead. 

She looked by side on the bed to see it empty.

What happened ?

Wasn't Lucas at her home yesterday night ?

Or was she probably dreaming ?

Everything that happened yesterday night came flooding into her head.

She remembered that he had help her massage her feets and then he had shouted at her and then she remembered asking him to kiss her but he refused and she had kissed and then.... 

And then....

She couldn't remember anything else again or was it all a dream ?

A very long dream.

She got off from the bed and walked towards her bathroom but before she could get there, she pecieved a very nice aroma coming from the kitchen.

Was it coming from the kitchen or from the neighborhood ?