Fear Of Him

Skyler was still very much afraid of Lucifer even though he has told her countless times that he won't hurt her but she still refused to stay close to him.

Now he was telling her to sleep, how could she sleep after she just found out who he was. 

In Fact there was not a single sleep in her eyes but then, she thought if she told him to change back to him being Lucas it would be much better right.

And so, she told him to change back to Lucas which Lucifer did and she breathed a sigh of relief forgetting the fact that he was still Lucifer.

" Much better " she said.

" Will you sleep now " Lucifer asked her.

" Yes but...."

" But what ? " Lucifer rose his right brow up wondering she wanted to say again.

" What about you..... won't you sleep too ? " she asked and Lucifer shook his head.

" Why "

" Because I still have an unfinished business to do "

Unfinished business ?

What was he talking about ?