She Knows His Real Identity

Chris got into the house and switched on the light, he scanned the living room but there was no sign of Skyler. 

He moved towards the kitchen, the store room, he searched everywhere in the house except her bedroom.

With slow steps he walked towards the door leading to the bedroom hoping she would be in there sleeping. 

He stretched out his shaky hand and touched the door knob and twisted it open. He took in a deep breath before stepping inside the dark room.

' Please be there ' he prayed silently in his mind.

He switched on the light and saw an empty bed which was dressed neatly and not a single wrinkle on it.

He moved closer and sat on the bed and took one of her pillow and inhaled her scent.

" Where are you my baby girl " he said as his tears dropped on the pillow. 

He will not believe it.

No !

Never !!

He would never believe it that Skyler was gone.

Gone to where ?

Where has Reed taken her to ?