Scott Is Stabbed

 Clara and her friends were discussing unaware of what was going on at the moment, though the whole place was filled with so much noise so they couldn't hear the commotion that was going on outside.

" Clara, you mean to tell me Scott was the pregnancy you had back then " one of her friends said with surprise in her voice.

" Yes.... He's all grown up now " Clara said proudly.

She couldn't imagine herself ignoring Scott when he was trying to talk to her. Though she had been so shocked to see him after so many years has passed, she had thought that his father had kept him away from her and she had to forget about him but every day she thought about him even before and after she got married to Ronald, Chri's father.

But now that Scott had come looking for her she would give him the mother's love she didn't give him as a kid. She would love him as she loved her other children, tonight after she told them the secret everything would be back to normal.