But Why, Though?

Trevor couldn't sleep at all that night. The prison floor felt very cold, not to mention he also had to share a room with several other men.

But the biggest reason is that he felt unfair. He should not be treated this way. Until now, he still can't believe what happened. This doesn't make any sense at all! How could his good intentions end up backfiring on him like this?

'Maybe I shouldn't meddle in other people's business.' Trevor couldn't stop regretting his decision. 'But that woman is so stupid. How could she protect someone who had humiliated her like that? How could she stabbed me who intended to help? I don't want to sound mean, but... there must be something wrong with her brain.'

All kinds of expletives were in his head the whole night.

As soon as the morning came, Trevor expected good news. It was the modern era where fibbing can't be done easily. Moreover, as he knows, the company has a very advanced monitoring system. It definitely captured the incident. He believed that.

"Scott, someone comes to visit you."

Trevor quickly stood up as one of the officers called out his name. It was a relief to get out of that prison. He didn't want to go inside anymore.

His eyes immediately caught a familiar figure among the others. He sped up his steps to come closer.

"You here?" said Trevor to the visitor.

The olive-skinned girl with blonde hair was named Anne Jacob. She was Trevor's fiancé. They have been in a relationship for two years.

Trevor immediately noticed the unpleasant expression on his lover's face. He had to explain himself immediately, "Honey, listen to me. It's not like that. I-I am completely innocent. I was just slandered for something I didn't do.."

Anne sighed, "How can I trust you? Why are you even there with that woman though?" she asked.

"It was just... it was just... so complicated." Trevor sighed in frustration. "But it will not take too long, I promise. They will realize they have caught the wrong person once they see the CCTV. I will be released after 24 hours."

Anne still looked doubtful. She rose from her seat and handed him a bag. "Then let's see later if you're telling the truth or lying. Here are your clothes! Go get changed because you look so horrible right now."

Trevor only realized it now. He was too concerned about last night's incident so he didn't take a look at his current state.

Anne was right. He looked so pathetic. His white shirt looked dirty with all kinds of stains. His tie was gone -- he couldn't even remember when he took it off. Not to mention how his face and hair all were in a mess.

"T-Thank You." Trevor was a little embarrassed when he received it.

"That's all. Now I have to go," said Anne.

"You only came to drop this?" Trevor was still worried about her cold behavior toward him. "Anne, I hope you believe me. You know me. You know I wouldn't do that."

"Then prove it. Quickly get out of here, because I really hate this place." That was the last thing Anne said before leaving.

"Of course! You really don't need to worry about this. See you at home later!" Trevor shouted at the back of his lover who kept stepping away.


"What? All the CCTVs in the company weren't working that night? Come on. Be serious!"

Trevor screamed in disbelief when he heard another nonsense from the police officer. This must be a joke. A very lame joke!

"Do you think we have time to joke with you?" The officer replied with a bored expression on his face. "That was the examination result by our officers. We really can't find any recorded evidence from there."

"But it makes no sense! The CCTVs over there has been active and fine all along, why is it suddenly not working at a time like this? Only dumbass will believe that!"

The officer shrugged as he replied, "It's up to you to believe it or not but that's what happened. If you are not satisfied, just file a complain to your company or conduct your own investigation with your lawyer."

Trevor was at a loss for words again. Everything was getting more ridiculous. It doesn't make any sense at all.

"Then what about the dash cam of that bastard's car? As I recall, there were also two other cars parked there that night. You should also check them! I believe it won't that difficult to find the evidence!" he said again.

"Frederick Dunn said his car hasn't used a dashbor camera in a long time. While for the other cars, we also do not know which car do you mean. Because like I said earlier, the company building's CCTV had gone down a few hours before the incident. So there's no clue at all about any of that."

"And you guys believe it? That easily?"

"Just like i said before, If you don't believe us, just go ahead to find out for yourself. Because we've done our part. So stop yelling at me, dammit!" The officer cursed back at him before walking away just like that.

Meanwhile, Trevor became panicked by this situation. He felt increasingly threatened.

'This is getting strange. All of this cannot happen by chance. There must be some dirty trick behind this. Someone is trying to corner me.' Trevor thought angrily. 'But why? Who? I have no enemies. This is also not something that just anyone can easily do.'

That was the moment he remembered Frederick Dunn again.

If there was anyone who benefited from this situation, it was him. He could escape the law as long as Trevor was still being accused.

But who was he anyway? Was he powerful enough to manipulate all of this? Someone who can control people in his company and even bribe the police?

Trevor tried to remember about last night's incident. As he remembered, everything seemed very normal at first. As he drew closer to save Miranda Johnson, the woman looked so thankful to him. She was even relieved when Trevor pulled out his cell phone to call the police.

Then everything changed when the police came. As he recalled, even though Miranda was always beside him, they were still facing the man. What if Frederick sent a silent threat to make Miranda change her testimony?

"But why, though?"
