Not Again!

"It's a relieve that the impact of the incident was not too big. The firefighters did a good job by extinguishing the fire before it spread wider, although the walls of two units beside the room also caught fire."

Trevor muttered as he looked at the building across the street. He was standing in front of the window with a cup of coffee in hand.

'Yes sir. I agree. Everyone was doing great including you and the girl next door. Thanks to your bravery, the owner of the house can be saved before she was suffocated or burned,' AI T answered his words in his mind.

"That's right."

Trevor answered with a little smile. He remembered the heroic action he did yesterday, and of course, the active role of the girl. She was amazing, he must admit that.

"And I didn't expect to get my first $10,000 reward before the $1,000 one. This is unbelievable!" Trevor diverted the subject to another.

'Congratulations on that, sir. But it is only the beginning. The more you play within this system, the more often you encounter missions with different levels and risks. You have to keep improving your skills," AI T responded.

"Just wait, AI T. I will surprise you later. I will become a great mysterious hero in a few months." Trevor looked excited. "Especially since my biggest opponent will be someone like Frederick Dunn."

Talking about him, Trevor began to look for information about him after three years had passed. And that's not a difficult thing to do, considering the guy turned out to be very popular.

Frederick Dunn has a very interesting background. He was the first child of the mayor. He was also a successful young entrepreneur who started his career after graduating from the finest university in the city. He owned a company that continued to expand, especially since three years ago. He was listed as one of the richest men in the city because of his intelligence in finding and managing his money.

"He got the money from his evil deeds to many people, but no one knows about it. Instead, he was hailed throughout the city. I also understand now why my past company manipulated the CCTV footage to cover the case. They must have struck a deal with Frederick Dunn and his family," Trevor always couldn't hold back his anger whenever he thought about it.

'You are right, sir. That's why you have to stop him as fast as possible. The enemy king is getting richer and stronger at the time, so you must catch up with him," said AI T again.

"Of course, I will! I'll make him pay for everything he did later." Trevor was very motivated.

'Therefore you must start the training program to build your body and strength, Sir. Because you realize that you can't achieve it in your current state, right?'

Trevor groaned lazily when he heard that. "You are getting talkative nowadays, AI T. As far as I remember, you weren't like this when you first greeted me at the hospital," he grumbled a bit.

'Because that's my job, sir. I have to keep reminding and guiding you to complete every given mission. Of course that includes all the preparations you need.' AI T replied cheerfully again. 'Because you can't go on like yesterday, sir. You can't stay slow and weak given that your task may become more challenging in the future.'

That was something Trevor couldn't deny. He was well aware that he still had many shortcomings. He needed to improve to stay in this game till the end.

But would he be able to do it? Can a weak and thin geek like him become someone as muscular and mighty as the superheroes in movies? To think he really hated working out?

'But there is no other way. I have to accomplish that no matter what.'


"Welcome to the Big Boss Fitness Center, sir."

The man with a large body greeted Trevor as soon as he entered the place. It was a well-known fitness center in the city. They even claimed that they were able to help their clients to gain the ideal body in a short period.

"I've never seen you here before? Do you intend to register as a member at our place, Sir? I promise we can help you to get what you want," the man said as he took a quick glance at Trevor's lean body. That knowing smile honestly offended him a bit.

"Can I get broader in a month?" asked Trevor then.

"Of course you can, Sir. As long as you have the determination for it!" The man held out a flyer from the counter. "We offer several types of programs to our customers. Not only the type of exercise you need but also good nutritional recommendations that are good for your vitality. We also have competent instructors in that field who have helped many people to get the ideal body shape they want -- some of them are celebrities and athletes."

Trevor casually checked the brochure. His eyes widen a little while reading it.

"$3,000 for the month fee?" He cried between awe and disbelief.

"Yes, sir. That is for the VVIP membership at our place. Members who register there will certainly get the best assistance. As I said earlier, many celebrities and athletes in this country take it." He paused for a moment, then said, "If you enroll for one year, you only need to pay as much as $35,000, sir. We will give you a discount!"

'That's too expensive,' Trevor muttered inside his mind to AI T.

'It doesn't matter, sir. You will always get money to pay for it. I suggest you take the offer,' said the assistant.

Trevor paused to think a bit.

"But if the price is too expensive for you, you can take a regular membership, sir. Here's--"

"Are you looking down on me?" Trevor interrupted him harshly.

"O-Oh, that's not what I meant, sir. But--"

"Okay, I'll take the VVIP membership. But I'll try it for a month first to decide whether to continue or not."

"You make a good decision, sir. We will make sure that you won't regret it. " The man signaled something to the cashier who had stayed on the counter all along. "Then please come here, sir. My friend will help with your registration process. If I may know, what method for you to pay? Credit card or transfer?" He asked, pointing to the counter.

"Whichever you want," Trevor said as he pressed the red button on his watch.

Trevor knew he was going a bit overboard on this, but there was satisfaction inside. In the past, he couldn't do anything when people looked down on him, he was always treated unfairly.

But everything was different. He's stronger and richer. He was someone they should not look down on.

He didn't know about the future yet, but he vowed to always live this way. He would become so rich that no one could insult him. Not again!
