Little by Little

'Everything is meaningless. I don't see the point in my living anymore. After all, no one cares about me either.'

The teenage girl lowered her head. She let the tears fall from her cheeks, then flew freely downward, joining the thousands of cubic meters of river water that flowed swiftly down there.

In the middle of the cold night, and in the middle of passing vehicles on the bridge located in the heart of Wirgent City, the young girl was alone. She even climbed the guardrail so it only took one step to jump.

'It's scary, but I have to do it. Because the pain is definitely not much compared to what I always feel all along. I'd better end this miserable life.'

She was about to jump, but she held back her steps again. Trembling, she still held on to the bridge pillar beside her. She kept crying.

'I must be strong. This is okay. I'm sure the pain will pass quickly, then everything will be over.'

She gathered the courage within herself again, then intended to jump again. However, she stopped herself again. She cried even louder as she continued to hold on to the pole.

"Isn't it a little scary up there? Come on, come down here."

The girl heard someone talking from behind. When she turned around, she saw a strange man dressed all in black and wearing a wolf mask there. He looked out of breath as if he had just run a long distance.

"Come on, come down. I will hold you." He held out his hand to her. "Come on, I'll take you home."

The girl didn't move. She didn't do anything and just looked at the first hand that was extended to her.

"There's no such thing as home." She interrupted while sobbing again. "It's nothing more than hell right now. It's the worst place to be living in, at least for me. Because no one cares about me in that place."

"So the problem is that place. If you can't stand it there anymore, get out of there. There are still lots of places to live. You know that the world is so wide and there are lots of places to visit, right? You don't have to stay there or even end your life because of that. You deserve more than that place or this ugly bridge with the river beneath it."


"Why? Are you afraid of the risks? If you are afraid that you won't survive out there, don't be afraid. I am sure you must be a strong person to have survived this far and even have the guts to stand in such a scary place. I am sure you can, beautiful." The mysterious man stretched out his hand again to her. "Now, come on down first. How about we continue this conversation at the restaurant over there? I will buy you whatever food you like. Gosh, it's so cold too. Let's go somewhere warmer instead."

The girl still seemed hesitant to accept his offer at first, but soon after, she decided to grab it. With the help of the man, she climbed down from the guardrail.




"See you later, Katharine. I always wish the best for you. Goodbye, Joshua!"

Trevor said that while waving at a woman and her baby who were being led away by the police. The woman only looked back at him lifelessly.

"I doubt it," she replied softly.

The poor woman was given a blanket by a female officer and then was led to enter the police car after that. Meanwhile, another police officer approached the man in black.

"Thanks again, mate. I feel like I have been seeing you a lot lately," the officer said after shaking hands with him.

Trevor laughed awkwardly. He often called the police to conclude his mission. That's why he always ran into some familiar faces. This officer was one of them.

"So what are you doing? Are you playing heroes or something? why are you always acting mysterious with that mask," said the officer while pointing to his hidden face.

"Isn't playing heroes better than creating chaos?" Trevor shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure. But we, the police, are starting to get curious about you. Lately, I have been hearing a lot about the black wolf guy who keeps helping us on duty. You can get rewarded for what you do, you know that, right? So reveal yourself. Don't be shy."

"I don't need that. Just make sure the victims get justice."

He said so, but actually, he felt proud to hear it. One of the goals of this system was for his name to become reputable throughout the city. Looked like it had started.

"But you've been reporting a lot about suicide attempts lately. I hear this is already your fourth report in the past month? Is there a specific reason?" The policeman asked him again.

"You could say that. Sometimes, I come here on purpose. I have always heard that this bridge is one of the places that often records suicide cases in the city," Trevor replied.

That's what happened. This afternoon after dropping his car off at the garage in his new apartment, he was back on his mission. One of them was to prevent a suicide attempt by a woman with her baby named Katharine Wilmer and Joshua Wilmer by jumping over a bridge.

It was not easy. For over an hour, Trevor had to persuade her to revoke her intention. He listened to the poor woman's desperate story and tried to cheer her up as best he could. It was a relief that she finally agreed to drop her plan and allowed Trevor to call the police to drive her home.

It was indeed a mission that Trevor had often done since day one. Apart from a hefty reward with a small risk, he was moved to help people who were about to give up on their lives. He wanted to encourage them to keep fighting. Because in fact, Trevor was in that phase three years ago.

"Well, I think my job is done here. Please take care of him. She has been through a lot at such a very young age."

"Yes, of course we will do that. That is one of our duties as police. Thank you again for your hard work."

He shook hands with the officer again, then they headed in different directions. Trevor deliberately picked up some scattered trash on the side of the road and threw it into a trash bin as he walked away.

