2.Reunion and Credit

When dev is wondering about his plans he hears his sister shouting came from downstairs saying," brother aunt jenna told you to take the trash out ".

When he hears it, he hurriedly opens his door and sprint towards downstairs and he halt his steps in front of cute little girl who looks similar to him. A little girl over 110 cm with black hair and blue eyes in a pink gown looks at him and says," brother hurry up and take the trash out before aunt comes" and when he didn't reply she looks at him and asked in worried tone" big bro are you okay?".

Dev instead of saying anything sprinted towards hema and hugged her closely with tears pouring from his eyes he hugged her tightly so she can never leave again. He vents his 2 years of grief,sorrow and guilt for not saving her.

Hema is paralyzed and didn't know what to do when he saw his brother crying, so when she saw her brother crying, she couldn't help but be afraid that something bad happened.

When dev saw that hema is afraid he tries to control his overflow of emotions and tears he gently pat her and says in a soft tone" don't be afraid i am just happy to see you again" after she calmed down dev starts to play with her in the game of hide and seek. They played until jenna gets home.

When jenna enters the house in her staff uniform and closes the door behind she is stupefied because her eldest niece dev had hugged her. When jenna quickly regained from shock she asked in worried tone" Honey, did something happen today?".

When dev release from the hug and smiled at her and said" No,I am happy to see you again". However, jenna found his eyes contains sadness and thinks that maybe he remembers his parents.

Jenna repeatedly asks," are you sure your fine?" but dev smiled and replied "I am fine" when jenna found out she is not going to get an answer she stopped asking questions.

After spending time with his family, he quickly returns to his room he thought about every future possibility that makes him stronger.

After an hour of thinking he made a plan but he doesn't have a crucial item for his plan that is an VR gadget or the credits to buy one.Nexus will be released in a week and the cost of a normal VR gadget will be around 10,000 credits, if he needs a good one that will be around 50,000 credits.

(credit is the currency used in all the countries)

Then dev opens his shelf and searches for a box, this box is an inheritance came from their parents. When dev found a black box he opens it and finds a shining white ring with an emerald on it. He remembers his father talking about keep it safe after it passed on to him. It is a family heirloom that is passed from dev's great grandfather and now it is his. In the past, this land is destroyed during the beast waves so there will be nothing left.

Even though i feel sad about selling this ring i have no other choice but to do it.


Dev decides to go for a walk, before leaving his house he heard a voice telling him" Be careful on the road the crimes are increasing nowadays". He reassures that nothing is going to happen with a smile and take off.

He arrived in front of a pawn shop named wardens then he slowly opens the door to the shop and entered. He saw a 50-year-old man with a great build in black skin tone with green eyes and gray eye, his name is mike warden he is one of his father's friends who occasionally visit dev and hema when he has free time.

When mike saw dev he welcomed him with a friendly smile and said" how have you been my boy? "To which dev replied that he is fine and said" uncle ward i need a favor from you".

Mike raises a single eyebrow in surprise and let dev continue" uncle how much does this ring cost? "dev asked and show him the ring.

When he sees the ring and shocked to find it because he knows it is dev's father ring. Mike asked in a surprised tone" why do you want to sell this ring if i remember correctly this is your family heirloom. What is the dire need to sell this ring" he didn't give dev a chance to speak and continue" are you under any drugs dev".

"Woah calm down old man don't worry i am not under drugs or anything like that I am in need of money cause I'm going to college in inner region. Jenna alone can't handle paying my college fees"dev said as he already anticipates his questions.

Mike stare at dev for a full minute and ends with a sigh that he can't find any lies in what he said."Ok kid i believe you and the price for this ring can range up to 70,000 to 85,000 credits. If you are worried about where to sell this i know people who are interested in these,i can sell this in 3-4 days.After finding a good price i will transaction money to you"said mike.

Dev quickly accepted the offer and gave the ring to mike to find a good price for it. Because even in his past mike has helped dev by paying him in half of the fees when he himself in dire situation.

Right now, all he needs to do is wait to credit to be in.