
As dev opens his inventory and drinks three type of potion until he gets healthy again. After drinking the potion and back to normal he access the system to view his interface and distribute stat points.

Name: Azazel













Skills: Basic swordsmanship(tier:0(49%)), Basic mana manipulation(tier:0(41%)), Basic mana enhancement(tier:0(39%)), Basic mana coating(tier:0(39%)).




After dev assigned his stat points, he sees the completion rate of the mission is increased to 73%.

He starts to look into the forest for any kind of beast but after a half hour of searching he could not find any monster. He hears a roar which is at least 300 meters away from him.

He starts to sprint towards where the sound came from. He sees a silhouette of a beast as he slows down and crouch behind a bush to see the beast.

But when dev looks at the beast his eyes are widen and trembled in fear as the beast is a level 15 elite monster iron bear which is 3.5 m tall and larger than 3x times the size of a normal bear on earth. Iron bear is an elite monster the skin of it is tough like iron with extremely high stats in physical attributes.

Dev starts to sweat at the sight of the creature in front of him as chills run down his spine.

'How the fuck is this creature here. This creature is not supposed to be here at all, they can only be found in the after the players have left the beginner village. For fucks sake they shouldn't be appear in the region of hunting ground for beginners.' he thought to himself.

He is feeling fear for the first time after he reincarnated and then he starts to remember the words of instructor vord before he left the training center," If you found the mission difficult you can always return as the task is not something a beginner should complete".

Then dev starts to put the pieces together to find that this monster in front of him is the one he needs to kill for completing the mission.

He starts to feel the pressure weighing down on him as he is in clear struggle for making the decision about hunting down the beast and abort the mission to receive the reward for the completion rate.

After a long time of thought he decide to complete the mission fully but for that he needs a certain poison that contains corrosive part in it.

He left the spot and run towards a particular cave. The cave is dark as night filled with blood and body of dead snakes he killed before he encounters the wind wolves.

When he is in the middle of massacring the snakes in this cave, he encounters a large venomous snake as the poison of this particular snake that corrode the body as it will spread faster if the target moves.

As he walks in the cave his senses are starts to dull, he uses his stat points to increase the perception by 10. He can sense his surroundings much better than before.

He knows that it is risky to fight a creature in darkness as when he doesn't know where the enemy will be. Even though the venomous snake is slightly weaker than him.

When he is going closer to the end of the cave his instincts are screaming at him. He uses enhancement and coating as the senses are also expanded, he tries to locate the snake as he can feel it is near him.

Suddenly dev dives to the left side as the snake has attack the spot he stands before. As the two green eyes of the snake stares at him and sends a venomous liquid from the mouth he dodges the attack again.

He can feel that it is much better if he can take down the snake as fast as possible. So, he sprints towards the snake as the beast also sent a attack by using the tail.

Dev seeing the tail of the snake is going struck him he jumps as he uses the sword to slash at the skin. The snake hissed at the wound caused by the human as it sends ball of poison again to take down dev.

He dodges the poison, but the snake didn't stop the attack and keep sending the volley of attacks towards dev.

As dev keep dodging, he slowly strengthens his lower part and the sword by mana as he is waiting for the right movement to attack.

He pulled his every strength in the body to jump higher as he meets eye to eye with the snake. The snake seeing him in air as he gets closer it tries to bite him. Dev used this chance and lower the mana input in the lower body as he starts to fall down.

Dev used the sword to thrust on the lower joint of the mouth as he slides down till, he cut the body of the snake as blood starts to ooze out.

Snake lays on the ground as it dies. Dev walks towards the snake as he uses the sword to cut the wound to be larger as he used the empty bottle of the potions to store the blood of the venomous snake.

The blood of the snake filled nearly 5 bottles.

'This is enough to take down the iron bear' he thought to himself as he stores the poison in inventory.

After doing this he starts to run towards the spot of where he seen the iron bear last. For his surprise the iron bear is not there as he looks around, he sees the footprints of the bear and starts to follow.

He silently follows the footprints as he saw the huge creature again as it eats the body of the wolf.

Dev opens his inventory and take out the poison he opens the cap of the bottle as he throws a stone with blue edges called mizrel and a nerich powder to be throw inside the bottle.

He repeats the process as 5 bottles contains all the same thing and he shakes the bottle as he counts 5 from backwards.

This is a little prank made by kids on Elysium created. When the mizrel and the nerich powder are stored in a glass container and they have shaken the containers at the count of 5 it explodes.

At the count of 3 he throws the bottle towards the bear as it explodes at the count of 0. The poison inside the bottle have explode in the back of the bear.

As it screamed in pain at the wound it turns to find a human throw an object at him aiming to its head. The bear swings his hand at the bottle as it explodes and the poison have hit the face of the bear.

The poison slowly starts to spread in his body and made the bear unable to see for a little moment.

Dev is happy that his plan has started to work. He holds his sword and begins to sprint towards the bear as it is pain and unable to see that dev is near him. He thrust the sword on its left hand as its already affected by the poison.

He begins to attack the bear as his attacks are not strong enough to make a large wound, but the small cuts are in the body of the bear.

Dev knows that he can't damage much but he is disappointed that the damage is very low to defeat the creature.

Unfortunately for dev, one of the eye bear have healed and he saw where dev is and use his fist to kill him.

Dev sent backwards as he rolled on the ground with a missing left arm.