
Dev takes the VR headset from his head, he gets up from the bed and stretches his body as he looks at his hand and felt happy that he made an achievement.

After making sure he is okay he saw 8:12 on the clock and exits the room as he walks down from the stairs and enter the dining table.

He sees that hema and jenna are eating sandwiches for dinner as he enters the dining room, he was greeted by both of them as he took his seat. The cute little had hema asked questioned him about what he did in the game.

Dev explained about his fight with the monsters he faced and the world and NPC's he meets were seems like real more than codes.

Hema with a look of excitement in her face listens to dev as he explains about NEXUS. When they are in conversation jenna said" It is good that you are enjoying your game and I'm happy that you have found a something you like but remember to eat properly. I have only allowed you to skip lunch because it is the first day of the game, I will not allow you to skip your lunch again" she finished saying that and turn towards hema then she turns towards hema and said" Hema remember my words you cannot tell anyone about the VR headset.

It will not be good for us if other people find out there is an VR headset here. It will bring trouble for us" she said in a serious tone, but dev knows that she is worried about the consequences if other people find out. As it is 10x more than her monthly salary.

After dev finished his meal, he returns to his room as he planned on playing for the entire night. He takes the headset from the table and wear it as he lay down on the bed.

When dev opened his eyes, he is laying on a bed. He is currently staying in a temporary room given to him by the subordinate of instructor vord. He stands up as he is wearing the light armor covered his entire body leaving only space for head, hand and legs which is given to him by vord as a reward for quest.

Zefir's Armor


A light armor worn by the demon swordsman zefir when he is young and prime given to him by a blacksmith for avenging his daughter. This is an armor specially made for a swordsman who is fast and precision.

This armor has a self-repairing mode which can be done by supplying the ores of any metal. Increase in +20 on vitality and+10 stats on strength, endurance and agility when the host equip the armor. There will be an 10% increased effect if the user used coating on the armor.

A smile appeared on dev face as he saw the reflection of the mirror when he wears the silver armor with light blue edges.

Then he looked at the sword that is silver in color with the handle shaped as wolf.

Frost Sword


A sword which is made by a frost ore as a young swordsman requested this sword to a blacksmith. This is a sword that contains the blood of frost wolf imbued in it. Increase in 15+ stats in agility and perception. There will be an 10% increased effect if the user used coating on the armor. If the sword is embedded in mana it can cause a freezing effect on all the sword attacks.

When dev looks at the rewards he received he gets goosebumps as the rewards are too good. He is sure that among all the players he has the best set of weapon and armor.

'Man, I can't believe it. This sword and armor are the best set of weapons I can wield right now' he thought to himself as he escapes his train of thoughts and wore a black hood which covered his armors. He used inventory to put the sword in as he gets out of the house and went to the bookstore called ambrose.

Dev walks in the street searching for the bookstore as he saw people of the Elysium and players to be in the streets of nevil.

Dev is quite popular by now in nevil because he was the only one who received a quest from instructor vord.

There are other players who train for more than a day at training center but still not get approached by the vord.

So, they end up assuming that dev has met a condition to activate a special quest. Right now, players are in hot search for the mysterious player who activated the quest.

Dev hides from the players by wearing a black hoodie and asking natives about directions towards the ambrose bookstore.

Dev finally found the bookstore as it looks like a normal bookstore with a sign that says ambrose.

Dev enters the bookstore as he saw an old lady with a green hair and eyes and wrinkles on the face make her look like more than 70 years old.

The old lady turned her head towards him and said with a smile" Welcome dear customer, what is the book you're looking for?".

Dev takes the envelope from the inventory and said"Instructor vord has tasked me with delivering this envelope to you"as he gives the letter to her.

When the old lady hears the name vord her face turns into a shock, but she takes control over her emotions quickly and take the envelope.

She starts to read the envelope as many emotions appeared in her face. After finishing it she stared at dev with a complex look for some time.

Dev feels awkward as the old lady keep staring at her.

When she noticed that her long stare made him uncomfortable, she said with an apologetic smile" I'm sorry child I didn't know that i am staring at you for that long".

Dev reassured with a smile" Don't worry madam".

The old lady smiled and said," Where are my manners My name is Sylvie, what's your name child?"

Dev said," My name is Azazel" after finish saying that Sylvie mumbled his name and asked him," Well azazel, do you know why vord sent you here instead of the mage training center?".

" I don't know, he only told me to come to this bookstore as it can teach me magic better than the mage training center." said dev.

Sylvie said with pride," Well I'm not going to lie but what vord is true this place is better than learning magic at the training center".

Dev was little bit surprised that the old lay in front of him didn't deny the words of vord but accept it.' Wait, is this one of the times where a random stranger is secretly a powerhouse but lives an ordinary lifestyle 'he thought to himself.

Sylvie moves to the entry of the door and slip the board from open to close and walks to the edge of the store as dev closely follows her. Sylvie opens the door on the edge of the store as she enters dev follows her from behind.

The room looks like an ordinary room in old western style one there is a bed to sleep, a bookshelf filled with book, table stand where the lamp is on the table and small dining table with two chairs.

Sylvie sits on the chair and gesture dev to sit on the other.

As dev took his seat sylvie takes the kettle and pour tea on both the cup as she passes a cup to dev. Dev holds the handle of the cup and drink the tea as he relaxed on the chair and enjoy the flavor of tea.

Sylvie takes a transparent ball from her ring. Dev is quite surprised as only players are allowed for inventory and not the natives. This means that sylvie either possess space element or spatial ring.

Sylvie asked a question which made him ignore the thoughts he has and looked at her," Azazel, what are the important factors do you think necessary for being a mage"

Dev thought for some times and gave the answer," The important factor to become a mage is to have good control over mana and the mastery of your element"

Sylvie smiled at satisfaction with the answer and said" You're right these two are the condition to become a mage. How the sword and the physical condition of the body is needed for a swordsman, mastery of your mana and element is needed to be a mage.

Since you have already used mana for enhancement and coating your control over mana is higher compared to other eternals. Since, you know how to control your mana you need to learn what is your element. Touch the ball and inject mana into the ball so we can know what is it".

Dev followed her instructions and touch the ball slowly inject his mana.

As the transparent ball slowly turns into a mixture of both black and purple fill the ball.

When dev sees what is the element he posses he is shocked to find that he posses two elements but that gives him lite shock. But what surprised him is that the element he posses are Dark and Space.