11.Are you worthy

"I see, the time has come I should give him a little help if he wants to get here quickly." said a beautiful young woman who is considered as one of the breathtaking women on universe.

With red eyes and silver hair, she watches as a mortal child working hard to get stronger.

"Hmm, maybe this will be a good item for his journey." she said as she holds a silver colored stone in her hand.

A small glowing silver color stone in rhombus shaped as silver sparks are emitting out of it as silver light have covered the women's hand as she holds it.

"It has been collecting dust here anyway, so it is better to hand him this stone as he deserved this more than anyone else." she said with a little smile on her face.

If any of the gods hear the words coming out of her mouth, they would puke blood as she thinks that a mortal is better at wielding a prime core better than them.

Without knowing any of these the mortal is reading a book about the geographical location of Elysium. 

Dev is studying one book after another as it increases his understanding of the spells better as it is told by sylvie.

As dev surroundings are filled with books his intelligence stats also increase with finishing of each book.

(Author note: Hey guys, I am the author of MMORPG: return of the void emperor. I am planning to make some changes in the novel.

I am making a change in the story as from now on intelligence (INT) stats will not increase mana as it will increase his intelligence of the person and understanding of the spells.

Also, I'm adding a stat called spirit (SPR) which indicates the increase in mana and the regeneration speed and perception (PER) stat is removed.)

But as he finishes each book, he has clear understanding of the topics as he reads theory based on mana, theory on elements, difference in races, history of the Harzil. 

Dev has not touched a single spell book as sylvie advised him to not use spell books.

When he asks her about reading a spell book she immediately declined and said," Azazel if you read a spell book and understood the concept of the spell it will be good for you right now.

But at the future you don't have prior knowledge of the element as you have only used spells learned on books as you only know how to use your element from another one's perspective.

Spell books will decrease your creativity it may be good for the current you, but you won't advance in the future as your understanding of the element is low."

Dev understood that and never asked again about the spell books.

As he is in the middle of reading, he opens his system and see his interface and smiles about the progress he made as only 5 days have passed in the real world after the release of NEXUS.

Name: Azazel













Skills: Basic swordsmanship(tier:0(81%)), Basic mana manipulation(tier:0(87%)), Basic mana enhancement(tier:0(85%)), Basic mana coating(tier:0(85%)), Basic space manipulation(tier:0(73%)), Basic darkness manipulation(tier:0(79%)), Sensory enhancement(tier:0(37%)).




"Seems like training as a swordsman and a mage is really hard" said dev as he stands up and begins to stretch.

For the past 5 days dev keep training and killing monsters as he takes swordsman lesson at morning and mage at evening. He also used the remaining time to kill monsters as he leveled up a lot.

Which brings him to his current stats as he already has a stat of peak tier:0 with his constant training and leveling up.

'I only need to reach another seven levels to become a tier:1. Last time visamir achieves tier advancement in ten days after the release of NEXUS and became the first player to enter the leaderboard and stayed in the same position for years. I need to become a tier:1 before that.' he thought to himself.

Dev after seeing the time is 5:00pm he realized that he will be late for the test as instructor vord has asked him to meet him outside the nevil village at 5:30pm.

Dev sprints to the gates of the village as he gets out of the village, while he is sprinting many natives have given greeting as he gave them a nod but for the players it is another story.

As players have found out about a player being teached by sylvie and when they found that this is the players who activate a unique quest. Many players try to threaten him for the rewards and the condition to activate the quest, but dev doesn't mind about them as the guards will arrest them if they cause a trouble.

At a point some players from a guild tried to PK him at the forest as they can loot the rewards but at the end, he PK nearly twenty players at once till all of them lost nearly 3 levels.

Which earned him the name of' Butcher of Nevil'. 

But the PKed players are not happy about the fact that a single player killed them all and takes the fame.

So, they were planning to create an ambush on him when he is in the forest and not expecting it.

If the players saw dev they would starts to hide as the incident make him as a murderer in the perspective of the players.

Dev spends nearly 500 hours in the game as he is only getting out when it is time to eat or to exercise.

Sylvie is respected by the villagers as many believe that she is a great mage. So, as her student he also gets recognized and respected.

Dev runs out of the gate as he moved towards the house of instructor vord that was visible to him.

He runs with full speed since he is not at the village. When he sees that he was near to the house he slowly lower his speed and starts to walk.

Instructor vord who is standing outside the house as he holds a light sword in a sheath waiting for dev.

Dev saw that instructor vord is waiting for him he came closer to him. Vord notice the presence of dev and said," You have arrived ".

Dev noded his head and stare at him as he waits for vord to continue.

" Azazel I have watched you trained and work hard, I have watched you master the basics of swordsmanship and magic in days for some it took years." vord said to dev without giving him a chance to reply he continued.

" From the first day you arrived I saw something in your eyes which is rare among young people. You have a astounding will that impressed me, you have a look of a man who gained hope after losing everything. But you wish to achieve great things.

So, right now I am giving you a chance to prove yourself that you are worthy of carrying the legacy of mine."

In front of dev there is an notification appeared.

Unique quest:Are you worthy!

Defeat instructor vord to gain the legacy of ????? ?????????. If you fail you would lose the favoritism of instructor vord.

Reward: Legacy of ????? ????????.

(WARNING: This is a unique quest so if the user fail the quest this quest will not appear again .)


Dev heard instructor vord saying "Are you worthy child!".