The Boogeyman

Felicity: freeze, don't move... slowly put your hands at the back of your head and turn around.

Ferus: Carlos, you are under arrest.

(24 hours Earlier)

Molly: how are you feeling today?

Max: kinda fine.

Molly: will you be going to N-tek today?

Max: No, I won't.

Molly: why? Max: because I have to catch up with school, so as for today, no speedster only Maxwell Miles.

Molly: okay, then you are free to come over to my work after school.

Max: okay mom, bye..... Woooose woooose Woooose woooose

(Central City high)

Teacher one: we will be having a new student today, His name is Nicholas Hicks, his father is the founder of the Hicks consolidate and his mother is the owner of Hicks republic.

Teacher Two: And he will be sitting with Maxwell Miles and Carlos romaro. Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Nicholas: Nice to meet you guys, I'm Nicholas, and you are?

Max: I'm Maxwell Miles.

Carlos: I'm Carlos romaro.

Nicholas: well then, Carlos and Max let's get along well. (N-tek)

Ferus: Cisco, how was it when we weren't around?

Cisco: sweet and nice.

Ferus: How?

Cisco: we defeated a guy who could turn himself into gold.

Ferus: just you and Max?

Cisco: yes sir.

Ferus: well, where is max? Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Felicity:

He's at school.

Ferus: doing what?

Cisco: Hmmm, schooling.

Felicity: it's looks like he went to talk to the Boogeyman.

Ferus: what?

Cisco: He said that he needed to ask the Boogeyman some questions about his father because you refuse to tell him.

Ferus: And you couldn't stop him?

Cisco: Why should I, you refuse to tell him the truth so it's right of him to ask someone else.

Ferus: what if the Boogeyman kills him?

Cisco: let's wait and see.

Felicity: sir, we have an ongoing theft at central City high.

Ferus: leave it.

Felicity: why?

Ferus: Two speedsters are there, why interfere?

Felicity: okay sir

(Central City high)

Carlos: Shouldn't you change and stop these thief's?

Max: The world needs us both not just the Dark Speedster, it could also use the Boogeyman.

Carlos: really? Max: come on, let's go, we can Still stop them.

Carlos: Fine, let me see how fun it is being a hero and not a villain.

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Civilian1: look, it's the Boogeyman.

Civilian 2: run!!!!!

Carlos: I told you that they will be afraid of me.

Max: Rome wasn't built in a day, so if you keep doing good, they will know that you aren't bad anymore.

Carlos: fine, let's catch these criminal.

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Max; uncle ferus, prepare a cell for us.

Ferus: okay, wait "us"?

Max: yes, us.

Ferus: who is coming with you? Max: The Boogeyman.

Ferus: what?

Max: look, uncle ferus I don't have time for all these useless quarrels, I talk to you later, bye...

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Carlos: wow, nice work max.

Max: Thanks.

Civilian 3: wow, the Boogeyman saved us..

All: Boogeyman!!! Boogeyman!!! Boogeyman!!!

Max: so how does it feel to be called a hero?

Carlos: it feels kinda good.

Max: come on, admit it for once.

Carlos: Fine, it feels good.

Max: Well, welcome to the club, and you are going to need a better name than The Boogeyman.


Ferus: well, welcome to the team Carlos.... for now.

Carlos: well, what do you mean by "for now"?

Ferus: well, it means that I still don't trust you Carlos.

Cisco: Enough with the argument already, carlos, I have some good news.

Max: which is?

Cisco: Are you Carlos?

Max: Hmmmmm, you know I'm not.

Cisco: Good, so shut up.

Carlos: so can I still talk?, because I don't want to shut up.

Cisco: Yes, of course.

Carlos: so what's the good news?

Cisco: I made a TikTok account for you and you just hit 50,000 Followers in 2 hours.

Carlos: wow, that's nice, but what about the dark speedster?

Cisco: Well his name was just Maxwell Miles, up until yesterday then I changed his name to X•S, now he just hit...

Max: One hundred thousand Followers..... I'm Rich.

Ferus: shut up, just you have one hundred thousand Followers doesn't mean that you are rich.

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Felicity: Sir, we have an ongoing bank robbery going on at copper canyon bank and it's going to take up to 30 minutes for our chopper to get there.

Max: Then let us go.

Ferus: There Is no way I am going to let you two go out again.

Cisco: He's right you both just started to have fan's, so if you just let those criminals get away all your efforts will be for Nothing.

Carlos: Then we'll be very careful.

Ferus: This is interesting, the Boogeyman is going to be careful, hmmm, I like to see you try.

Felicity: If you guys are going to go, you have to go now.

Ferus: Fine, go on.

Cisco: And take care.

Woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose

Max: guys I'm here.

Ferus: That was quick.

Cisco: Of course it should be quick, look for a red truck.

Max: All of the truck are red.

Cisco: okay, then look for the people wearing different cloth in the truck.

Carlos: They are all wearing different cloth.

Cisco: Look for the ones with black shirt and pants.

Max: found them.

Carlos: and they are in an orange car, not red.

Cisco: well, get them.

Woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose


Max: Your criminal are in the cell.

Carlos: I hand them over to the police first thing in the morning.

Ferus: Okay, I will leave them to you for now.

Carlos: Why do you like that statement?

Ferus: what statement?

Carlos: "for now"?

Ferus: I don't like it, I'm only using it because I don't like you.

Carlos: well if you don't like me fuck off.

Ferus: what did you say?

Carlos: fuck off.

Max: Both of you should calm down.

Ferus: don't worry max, I have nothing to say to this bastard, I'm going home.

Max: Already?

Ferus: Yeah, I just don't like someone here.

Max: Alright then, and as for you, we need to talk.

Carlos: we have nothing to talk about

Max: what do you...

Woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose

Cisco: And they are both gone.

Max: let's go home too.

Cisco: Alright, good night

Cisco: let me make sure that everything is ok before I go home.

(N-tek Ultralink basement)

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Lieutenant roney: Cisco, we have a problem.

Cisco: which is?

Lieutenant roney: An ultralink is missing.

Cisco: call ferus and max, I'm going to find out who did it.

Lieutenant roney: what about the Boogeyman?

Cisco: leave him.

(30 minutes later)

Ferus: did you manage to find out who did it?

Cisco: The person who did it is not human, his mind can move at 2469.6 kilometers per hour.

Max: which means it must either be me or Carlos.

Cisco: I'm in and security cameras are showing....

Felicity: Carlos.

Max: what should we do?

Ferus: we'll take him down, first find him.

Cisco: He is approaching Thi.

Ferus: Felicity, roney let's go,max stay here.

(12th street opp thi)

Felicity: freeze, don't move... slowly put your hands at the back of your head and turn around.

Ferus: Carlos, you are under arrest.

To be continued..........