Feel free (2): Going for a holiday (1)

[ A\N - parapet:Hi guys, i have done some research in my previous and my continued chapters, I hope you love it.]

Mandy turned her back to open the kit that was behind her swiftly bringing out an analgesic. She opened it to bringing out two pills, collected the water that she brought, and then turned to face Jamie.

Jamie looked at the pills in Mandy's hand, looked back at her, trying but failing miserably to offer the best puppy eyes he could mutter.

"That wouldn't work on me, I want you to take these pills, take a little rest, and have a quick recovery.

Know what ? pretend I am the school nurse giving you these pills," said Mandy with a strict look.

Mandy placed her hand on Jamie's hand, looked at him straight in the eyes 'Please for my sake, please.'

"Fine," but for your sake only, don't measure the school nurse Miss Ann because I believe that you are going to be the best and amazing nurse everyone will love,' said Jamie with a disappointed look.

Jamie hasn't liked Nurse Ann since the day he got the Flu (influenza) when his mom appointed her to treat him.

Mandy dreams of being a nurse so she can offer her care to people around her and those who need help.

"blah blah", guys don't forget am still waiting! Just a minute more Juliet will soon be done here.

Jamie, stretching out his hand with his palm facing up accepted the pills from Mandy with the other hand grasping the glass of water he tossed the pills in his mouth and gulped down the water hastily before the bitter taste could rub off on his tongue ."

"Good that's my boy!" Mandy said chuckling lightly " Rest a bit while I meet up with Juliet she has been waiting for so long, she is probably geeting annoyed".


"Hmm, guys do you know where is Jacob because is kind of wasting time in the restroom," Skylar said out of care, Eric and Ames were laughing and chatting at the table when they heard what Skylar said.

"You are right Skylar, really where is Jacob is kind of wasting time in the restroom." Ames said that out of worry.

"Ok, I'll go and look for him, maybe I lost the way to the restroom," Eric said before sauntering out of the cafeteria.

After Eric left, Skylar looked at Ames who sipped her chocolate milkshake "So what are we going to do since Eric is not here, Ames dropped her chocolate milkshake on the table before replying to Skylar question?, "don't worry we can talk till the guys come back or if don't come back we will look for them."

Maya entered Rose room and knocked on the door, Rose turned around and spotted Maya standing at the door "Good you are here I was looking for you since, where was you do you know what Mila Kunis did to grandma."

Maya walked in and noticed Rose suitcase was on her bed "I know what Mila did but it was a mistake, please can you forgive her she doesn't mean it's. Maya said that feeling bad for Mila, and also why am I here Miss Rose, and where are you going with your suitcase."

" hmm, you are unique and meek like you care for others more than yourself, while I have liked you since the first day Grandma bought you here in the mansion. And I told you to call me by my name when we are alone, we are friends."

"well am going on a vacation with grandma and I want you to look for grandma give her medication, get her ready, and pack her stuff."

Rose went to take a seat on the bed and looked at Maya who turned around ready to go, when she said something to make her wait for a little "I'll be waiting for grandma in the car, and be fast before the snow turns heavily."


Rose went to Grandma Selina when she noticed her room doors were open wide. Maya entered the room when she saw Grandma Selina was taking a rest.

She stood there then placed a hand on her chin thinking of a way to get Selina ready 'Hmm, if I tiptoe to her side she will not walk easily, and I will walk her but Grandma Selina would deal with the person who tried to disturb her sleep.'

Maya remembers how Selina slapped the other maids across the face or fired them at the spots, maya shook her head and placed her hand on her cheeks 'No this can't happen to me, I better be going before I get fired right now'.

Maya turned around ready to leave Selina when she heard a voice, 'Hey, who are you because you are not the brave and meek Maya I know.' Maya turned around she didn't see anyone.

Maya let out some gasps 'that was my imagination, haha who would believe that I heard a voice? I need to go, 'Hey, isn't your imagination but am real. Maya turned around one last time but she didn't see anyone ' OK if you are real while I can't see or where are you?'.

' is because you are looking in the wrong direction, forget it I am on your right shoulder.'

Maya looks at her shoulder and sees a mini vision of herself wearing a white and gold garment with a gold crown on her head . 'who the heck are you?.'

"Am Mayaone, you can call me Maya am your good conscience. Am here because you want to make bad decisions and I want to stop you to not make mistakes that you will regret later."

"No, don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she is saying."

Maya turned to the left side of her shoulder and saw another mini-vision of herself. But the difference is she put on a red garment red horns and a red tail with a red and little archery in her hands." Who are you?."

" I am Devimaya and I am your bad conscience you were about to leave Selina room when Mayaone, you can leave because if you don't you might be fired or get slapped across the face, if you try to disturb Selina sleep you know that she hates that."

"No don't listen to devimaya the devil, is trying to mislead you."

"Ho, look what we have here, Mayaone the angel and the good conscience." devimaya said with a furrowed brow looking annoyed for Mayaone present.

"Yes is me Devi, we meet again anyway I'm here to stop evil from happening cause of you," said Mayaone with a kind tone.

Maya looked at the two angels that were on her shoulder wondering which one should she listen to either the good conscience which is Mayaone or the bad conscience which is Devimaya.

Mayaone looked at Maya and noticed her confusion 'You are wondering which of us you want to listen to, There is a solution to that I subject you to listen to your heart and know what you want is your choice. Before I go try to remember Miss Rose good deals toward you and also try to remember the through you, the one that not use to scared about anything."

Mayaone vanished out of the air leaving Devimaya behind. Maya looked at Devimaya who was about to say something "Good she left, am better be going now Maya don't forget what I told bye," Devimaya said before disappearing out of her sight.