The story unfolds with a high school boy Evan enduring ceaseless bullying from both his male and female classmates. He's regarded as an easy target due to his quiet and peaceful nature, lacking the inclination to engage in fights or confrontations. Despite the torment, neither friends nor teachers come to his aid, perpetuating his suffering.
However, the trajectory of his life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly transported to another world by the Goddess of Love, a breathtakingly beautiful being. She entrusts him with a pivotal mission: to defeat the demon lord plaguing this unfamiliar realm. Bestowing upon his divine powers to enhance his strength, the goddess sets him on a path filled with perilous adventures.
In this new world, he forges deep connections and friendships, eventually falling in love with a princess who is destined to become his future wife.
But Things change after Evan finally kills the demon lord. Those he once trusted betray him mercilessly, The Princess shares her thought that she never liked someone disgusting and ugly and she is already having an intimate life with the handsome prince, the princess he adores ruthlessly ends his life.
Suddenly, he awakens in bewilderment, finding himself once more in the presence of the Goddess of Love. Filled with anger and confusion, he confronts her about the harrowing experiences he endured. To his astonishment, the goddess manages to pacify his turbulent emotions with a kiss.
Gradually, he comes to realize that he has returned to his home world, Earth, with no recollection of the events that transpired following his return. Despite spending more than five years in the other world, his physical form remains that of a 17-year-old teenager. The divine powers, weapons, and domains bestowed upon him by the goddess are entirely absent.
With no other options, he reluctantly resumes his former life on Earth, enduring the same torment of bullying and facing a life of poverty. Just when he believes things couldn't get any stranger, he encounters a peculiar and extraordinarily beautiful girl. Her appearance seems utterly out of place on Earth, her beauty transcending any human standard.
Before he can begin to unravel this perplexing mystery, the girl spontaneously jumps into his arms, affectionately calling him "Papa," and places a kiss on his lips. The word "Papa" sends a chilling shiver down his spine as he begins to recall the enigmatic events involving the Goddess of Love.
Tags: revenge, action, old-love-interest, Goddess love, Yandere, incest, loli-con, romance, betrayal, harem, and Dad-con.
Notice: extreme yandere daughter that would kill or wipe anyone who would come between her and her father.
Warning: This is fanfiction, don't do this at home with your daughter and father.
Note: Evan's daughter will appear in chapter five.
(The book cover is not mine)
can you continue this? ......
This novel is absolutely amazing Please continue writing