People in the palace were getting tire of the guest they received after the news of the princess reaching marriageable age. This was the only thing on the lips of people throughout the continent of Ndongo.
Ndongo was a vast land with countless villages and kingdoms which amongst them was the kingdom of Nfai. Ndongo had beautiful vegetations like forest, savanna grasslands and much more . The number of people living in villages and kingdoms in Ndongo range from hundreds to thousands and in very big kingdoms ,millions.
Villages in Ndongo consist of families with simple lifestyle like farming , fishing, weaving and much more. While kingdoms consist of families and clans with sophisticated lifestyles, politics and lots of rivalry and competition amongst families and clans who want to show their power and influence. And example of such a kingdom is the Kano kingdom with population in millions and high living standards.
Kano according to history was the first village to be established in Ndongo and it has existed from then till now, growing and growing. Over the years and centuries, Kano kingdoms has fought and defeated neighboring villages and kingdoms, merging them with theirs.
The Kabie clan has ruled Kano kingdom for as long as it has existed. It is said that life in Ndongo began with the Kabie clan and every other tribe, villages and kingdom, originates from Kabie, but no one knows how true that is.
Within the great Palace in Kano, the King Sana was in his courtroom with his elders discussing political matters and solutions to their kingdoms problems when one of the king's servant came to him and whispered something in his ears and the king's experesion change slightly and he asked if the message is true and the servant agreed.
After giving the message to the king, the servant left the courtroom. After the Servant left, the king cleared his voice and said ''it seems our crown prince will soon be a married man'', the king said and his elders looked at him in surprise.
''Does that mean the princess of Nfai is of marriageable age my king'' one elder asked and the king nodded saying.
''Yes, the King of Nfai declared that his daughter is of marriageable age and he will only marry her to a prince'' the king explained to his elders .
''Then we should hurry up and make our intentions known to the king of Nfai, so he doesn't accept proposals from another kingdom'' elder Ncha, a very important elder and the head of one of the biggest clan in Kano kingdom said.
The king looked at elder Ncha and said '' you are right elder Ncha, after all we have waited so long for this. We must fulfill the prophecy given to us on the princes birth, we must not anger the creator.'' He took a deep breath before saying to elder Ncha ''you will take a convoy to the kingdom of Nfai and make our intentions known to them. Let them understand that we are serious about this and any denial will only have one consequence. I hope you understand this elder Ncha''.
Elder Ncha shook a little in his chair due to the intensity of the king's gaze, ''yes my king, I will make sure they understand that the kingdom of Kano does not take no for an answer ''.
The king smiled and dismissed the elders. He was happy that the prophecy giving to him by their priest was finally coming to pass pass.
He remembered how happy he was when his queen Ashanti became pregnant after a long time struggling to conceive. He had pampered and taken good care of her cause he knew she was carrying his successor.
In the Kabie clan, it is said that only the queen can birth the successor and a child from a concubine can never seat on the throne.
The day the prince was born, the was a heavy downpour and amidst the rain the Chief priest shala came fort bearing a message from the creator.
The Chief priest is someone highly regarded in Ndongo. It is said that he has been around for a very long time and only a few people have seen him.
He is the only one who can communicate with creator and as such any message given by him from the creator is taken with utmost seriousness. That is why when he came to the king bearing a message from the maker, he was not taken lightly.
''Gazu, my chosen will unite all people of Ndongo under one empire and by his side Arah, a princess blessed by me. She shall guide Gazu and I will bless my empire Ndongo '' said priest Shala and he vanished.
King Sana told his elders the prophecy and they took it very seriously and since then they have been waiting for news about any princess called Arah.
For years they waited and finally they heard of a princess called Arah with beauty beyond compare. The king asked his men to investigate and everything about Arah was brought to him.
After getting alll the information about Arah, the king knew immediately that it was her and for so long they have been waiting for her to reach marriageable age and after waiting for so long, it was now time to fulfill the prophecy.