[Chapter 14] Foxes V/s Wolves Part 4 ~ Changes

[South Korea, Wolve's Headquarters] 

[Night 11:14 pm] 

[Attack Commence on the Wolves] 


The second the foxes retained enough energy circulating where the bitcoins reside on their necks, they didn't need to be told twice to transform and attain the true essence of power and the superiority against the wolves. 

A bright light engulfs every fox member, blinding the wolves who quickly turned away to protect their vision, giving the foxes time to transform into their ultimate form. 

During their transformation, the foxes grew tail by tail till their backs had a total of 9, their nails grew sharp giving them fierce claws, their facial features darkened heavily under their eyes as swirl of red lapsed their entire face with slits running down the middle of their eyes and finally, they grew big fluffy ears. 


A fox member in the very back with striking bright blue eyes utters mindlessly as she covered the front of her mask where her mouth was supposed to be with both hands dramatically. This act would've got suspicious stares if not for the blinding light that made everyone shut their eyes. 

Either way, she made herself basically invisible and when I say basically, I meant she basically remove her presence like Tetsuya Kuroko from the anime Kuroko no Basket. All in all, you cannot perceive her presence unless: 

1. You possess sixth eyes (<--- self-explanatory) which once again belongs solely to our overpowered MCs. 

2. You possess curse energy which everyone has but very, very little of it as the Eleceed world is overflowing with positive curse energy which makes it impossible for curses to come to be. If one does come in control of their curse energy, it becomes easy for one to spot, more so sense others that have it. 

(As for how our MCs are able to use curse energy if there's so little of it. Well, one you haven't been keeping up with Jujutsu Kaisen and understanding the complexity of sixth eyes all together. Like seriously, the Rikugan is just so overpowered as it grants user incredible perception and control over cursed energy. Meaning that our beloved MCs have complete control over their curse energy and the positive curse energy residing in the atmosphere. Moreover, they can increase their curse energy with time.)

3. Quite the obvious one is where she allows you to see/sense her. 

Then again, the latter is unlikely to happen as our MCs are quite paranoid.

Yes, paranoid. 

Including Chelsea!

She may be reckless at times, but she knows when and where to get serious when the situation calls for it. Moreover, those 2 sisters are always 10 - no, 100 - ... More so 1,000 steps ahead of everyone. There is no such thing as overly cautious. I mean, have you seen the 'Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious.'

Yep, no such thing. 

In fact, I think we can all agree that they aren't cautious enough. 

As such, our MCs should aim to be 100,000 steps ahead of their enemies. 

And may be one day, 1,000,000 steps. 

Anyways, ignoring our invisible MC, the foxes could be seen standing not only taller but stronger. Their auras expelling to great heights as it overwhelms the wolves who feel like they're about to be devour by some atrocious monster. 

Yes, in the face of their monster of a patriarch, these once lowly foxes each have aura surpassing their clan head, frightening many terribly so as some begin to lose hope against winning. 

To make matters worse, the fox's patriarch who took his time strolling around the surrounding area decided to make his return and announce/brag his win to the others, dramatically at that. 

Coming face to face with a wall which was the opposite direction of the entrance, Kyro decided to make his appearance there and through that entrance. Now, what entrance am I speaking of if there's a wall in his way, well the entrance that is right behind the wall. 

Speaking of wall, let's demolish it. 

Explode it at that. 

Kyro manipulates his fire into a reddish hot flame ball, looking much like a hot potato, before smacking it right at the wall in front of him, causing an explosion (no surprise there), erupting everyone's attention towards the explosion. 


A small part of the wolves wishfully hope for their clan head returns even though many of them knew that if the fox's patriarch had a bitcoin which is highly likely, then Shiro securing a victory is highly unlikely. Also, a dramatic entrance is so not their patriarch style so that also lower their hopes of Shiro's return. 

Fortunately, they were all right to assume so. As it was not the wolf's patriarch that returned, but Kyro, the fox's patriarch and thus, lowering the wolf's morals all together. At the sight of their clan head, the foxes couldn't help rejoining, erupting in cheers as they chanted their master's name. 


"Kyro-sama returned victoriously!" 

"As expected of Kyro-sama!" 

"Nothing more but a lowly pest in the end!" 

"A pesky dog at that!"

"Down with the wolves... Rise of the foxes!" 

As their chants got louder and louder, the more the wolves morals lower till it was nonexistent. From many people's points of view, there was no chance of victory for the wolves. Not only were they at a disadvantage with the foxes now transformed in their 9-tails formed, but their patriarch is defeated and most likely dead. If that were not the case, then why is the current fox patriarch standing right in front of them, bragging about Shiro's defeat. 

All in all, every one of the wolves fighting spirit lower. Cheers of victory running in their head went out the window exactly as the foxes complete their transformation. Any lingering hope left was thrown straight out the window too when the fox's clan head appeared instead of their patriarch. 

Levent's usual high spirit and playfulness was nowhere to be seen. An unsettling silence rest on his face, scaring the many wolves nearby. Evan was not excluded either seeing the person he's been baby-sitting for as long as he could remember, not smiling like the happy sunshine he was and always was, was unsettling. 

But even he could agree that their current situation is troubling as at the current moment, they are in the possession of the foxes. Meaning their lives are in their hands. Everything about them is decided by these arrogant pricks standing unguardedly in front of them. 

On natural occasions, Evan would've used his enemies unguarded nature to surprise attack them. But something tells him, almost like his sense are warning him all throughout his body, to not make a move on any of the foxes as they aren't like the rest of the enemies, he has face before. Moreover, he concluded that whatever attack he decides to do will very well be his very last.

In fact, the very last breath he will take on this Earth.

Which was also why he decided to not take action on the foxes. 

After all, who doesn't value one's own life. 

Same could be said by Jake and Lucas. They're both smart enough to understand their current situation and how bad it's gotten. But neither of them could figure out a way out of it. Of course, there are some ways out of their current situation, but at a cost. 

Many cost. 

That cost being many lives. 

With that being said, they highly doubt this plan will even succeed. Even the tiniest possibility seems impossible.

That plan being where some of them could stay and stall the foxes while a separate group escape and report to the other clans of the atrocities the foxes have committed with breaking the peace agreement. 

But then again, there is always the variable that neither of the clans will help. 

Yes, they had a peace agreement in order to preserve the Great Mythical Beast Clans for so many years, but with the wolf clan near extinction, chances are the clans will decide to ignore their pled for help.

I mean, the peace agreement only stated to preserve each and every clan and to not battle one another unless the battle is held in their annual gatherings. What's the point of preserving an almost already extinct clan. 

Of course, they may take action on the foxes for breaking the agreement, but that's all there is to it. It's not like they can change the fact that the wolves aren't endangered and very well near extinction.

What's done is done.

That's an irreplaceable fact. 

The griffons will certainly cheer for the downfall of the wolves. White Tigers, not so much as they have a new master and couldn't care less about the entirety of the Great Mythical Beast Clans business. Though they have to keep their fronts up as to not garner suspicious from other clans so they will certainly act a bit cheerful about the wolf's downfall. 

As a result, that plan too, was thrown out the window. All they can do is surrender and hope the foxes will spare them. But that's something Kyro has no intention of doing. Even if the wolves were to catch a glimpse of the horrors the fox patriarch plans to do to them, who are they to refuse. 

The only way out is death, and that's something everyone would like to avoid as much as possible. 

Except our MCs. 

They'll likely laugh in the face of death. 

No lie detected there. 

Kyro catching sight of all the remaining wolf survivors down heartedness, he couldn't help but grin madly full of spirit and pleasure knowing the wolf's clan as of today will be no more. From now on, they'll be integrated into the fox's clan as slaves who do not have a say in matters that concern them. 

The only concern they should have and only have, is their survival within the fox's clan. 

Nothing more, nothing less. 

That should've been the outcome and would've been the outcome if not for 2 individuals' interference with the matters regarding the Great Mythical Beast Clans businesses. But like every one of the wolf's clan plans from earlier, that too was thrown out the window, unknowingly by the foxes in the face of the strongest

Just as Kyro was about to proceed with the fate of the wolf's clan future, a loud explosion erupted from the roof tops. 


He looks up expectingly as he recalls that nobody was up there or even fighting up there. Perhaps some of wolves managed to escape and few of his followers noticed and decided to follow them in order to capture them. But then again, that's unlikely as none of the wolves would dare move an inch in the face of a fully transformed 9-tailed fox. 

So, if not them, then who? 


A light bulb shot through his head as only one person came in mind. 

The one that sneakily left the main battlefield to witness both the fox and wolf clan head's battle.

The person he left to take care of Shiro's body after emerging victoriously. 


But why? 

Don't get him wrong, he glad to know that Kitsune accomplish his duties as one of his loyal subjects, but to make a dramatic scene, that is just so unlike him. To make a flashy entrance is more of his style. 

'Perhaps he changed?' 

He concluded that after fulfilling his rightfully revenge against his brother's murder, he decided to be more like his master which also means that his loyalty to the fox clan has increased. All the better, he thought happily. 

The reason Kyro is happy with this outcome is because he knew very well that Kitsune held grudges against the fox clan, mainly him, for not defending his brother or 'stopping' him from sacrificing himself. He knows fully well what Kitsune's capabilities are and knows the fox clan are in need of members like him which was why he cannot lose him. 

With Kitsune's loyalty increasing, this lessens the chances of Kitsune's defect from the fox clan. Why wouldn't he be happy with such a turn of events. 

Unluckily for him, he's got it all wrong.

Another explosion erupts, bulldozing its way through the ceiling until it finally shambles into hundreds of pieces, making way for Kitsune, holding the wolf patriarch's body with one arm on his right shoulder, following along with an unknown individual alongside him that many missed. 

Seeing Shiro's body, Kyro's expression couldn't help but darkened slightly. As he recalled, he told Kitsune to dispose of his body once he's done with it. So why does he still have the body? As much as he questions it, he still doesn't understand what's going on inside of Kitsune's brain. 

He then concluded that Kitsune wanted to display to everyone the wolf's clan patriarch dead body as a trophy. With that thought in mind, he reassures himself that that was Kitsune's motive, right? Yet he couldn't brush away the nervous feeling that something is wrong.

Very wrong indeed. 

But he would soon understand what the 'wrong' was very soon, rather than later.

As for how he and many others missed the unknown individual beside him. Well, just like her twin, she erased her presence so only Kitsune and her sister can see her. 
