
Ken hold her hand 

YEZI :leave my hand. It's hurting.

Ken come close to the Yezi and whisper in her ear : Who else wants to refuge that beautiful girl purposal.

Yezi pushed him Back : don't come near to me and I will never be in relationship with you I hate the man like you.

Ken :Who does want to.. I don't also want you. You should refuge. It's your dad doing our engagement or a marriage not me.

It's not my decision.

Yezi : ask her bodyguard. Call my secretary

Tomorrow I want to talk with her.

Bodyguard :Sure lady

They both look in anger to each other eyes.

Yezi (huh look at him.. Such a loser even through he knows that I don't like him and he wants to marry me must be flirting thinking me same as all he know )

Ken (I never see that girl who don't wants to marry me that crazily and blamed on me in the last)

Yezi :You must come tomorrow. I want to talk with you.

Ken : I will not come. Go from there.

Yezi :Who wants to be here with you. I am going.

Ken : I didn't ask for to be here with me or not.

He ignored her and get back to again in club

She is so annoying. I hate that kind of girl want my attention.

She is so messy type.I can't understand her.I can't even chat with her for two second asking me to end this relationship.His dad putting her on me.

Advin was there again : Is she Yezi while looking at him.

Ken : I really don't like her. She is not my type. I just want my Hazel back. No more will be come in my life.

Advin :you're crazy for her. She don't love you. Yezi maybe 

Ken :Shut up. Respect her. She love me only. I know her. She will agree to go out with me again...

Advin : you're going crazy man. Can't you see she is dating someone else already when you both in relationship. Why she choose you.

Ken : It's just rumored. I trust her.She didn't tell me by her own. She just angry with me. Nothing more.

Advin : live in your fantasies. I'm going with my beauties.. Walking by dancing with the song playing on back.

Ken : He looks always happy. But I'm so messy my life is not going well. Ahhhh

All looked at him. What's with him?

Yezi back to her home and thinking about him and situation.

What I do. I don't want to be with him. He is psycho. I don't wanna say no to my dad.

I should sleep. I am very tired today.

Ken was sleep here. Advin look at him.

Advin : Hey Ken... Wake up go home. He know that his father don't want to see him he was drunk. He take him to his home.

Advin :sigh ahhhh he will never change. He always be like that..

The next morning. Yezi take a off from her work.

Secretary come to her room :lady you want something.

Yezi :I don't to work today. I want peace for one day. You take a off too.

Secretary :okey. You should rest. Thanks for it. Have a nice day. I'm going.

Yezi :wait.... Molisa.. Don't be formal... You are my class fellow. Let's go for outing.Be open with me.

Secretary :no no I know but look at me and you.

Yezi : go with me. You're human too.

It's not about work. Go and be ready we are going for outing.

Molisa : shivering.... As you say Okey. I will be ready.

Yezi (Why all are treating me like a professionally... I'm a common person too.. I want my friend back now... I lost all of my friends because of my publicity)

Dad come to her room.

Yezi :Dad you're here. At this morning.

Dad: Today we have a dinner party with wang family.

You should come with Ken with the party.

Yezi :whattttttt.....with Ken