Sharing pain is better than hiding inside

The day finished and the Yezi back to her home .

Her father; doing good with Ken. daughter come here in my room . I want to talk to you something.

Yezi come to his dad room; You know that your mother always busy in bussinses. This thing is your mother tell you but it not .

daughter you be a good wife to him and change him into new one . I know your pain . You're not agree this marriage.

Yezi down her head and saying . No I'm happy daddy . I will not make you feel disappointed.

her dad ; now go to sleep .

Yezi come to her room and again thinking. Why dad are so serious about this relationship. If they know that I signed this contract marriage agreement. He will be un happy . I should be a good act this time . yes Yezi you will be a good daughter. but I hate Ken and his behavior. He is rude sometimes and sometimes he don't know me .

Ken was hanging out with his new girlfriend and Advin was with him too .

They both going out for dinner with the girls . Ken was thinking something else. He received a call from hazel 

Just a minute I'll come Advin .

Advin ; where he go ?

Ken picked the call ; Yes what you want now .

Hazel ; we should meet tomorrow at my favorite cafee at 8pm . call drop 

Ken ; what his this really??? I'll not go . noway . Ken you still loving her .

Advin ; what just happened?

Ken ; I should leave now .

Advin ; come home early okey... stupid really don't mind him . He is very busy .

Girl ; why not I'm with him . I'm leaving now 

Advin ; Lucia you should be here .

Lucia ; yeah baby I'll not go .

Hazel was dating a rich old man but still she thinks about Ken .

Rich ceo ; Hazel my pretty darling. We should get married now .

Hazel ; Marriage??

CEO named is Mac 

Mac ; Yes I'm now 35 and you're now perfect age . We should marry now . I don't waste more time now . I want my hazel be mine .

Hazel ; I want some time . Mac !

Mac ; No I just said it then it's okey.. just tell me you want to marry me or not .

Hazel ; marry you but need time Mac . she close near to him And kissed him on chicks 

Mac ; aww your this behavior make me feel so good. Sure Hazel take your time . but I want answer in Yes .

Hazel ; okey Mr leaving now .

Ken was in pain again and started to thinking about her .

Ken ; I just want to forget her . She is playing with me this time again .I just know her now . what I do ? go or not !.. mmm

He go to his room for sleeping and become sad about her.... He still on the bed thinking about her and become depressed. Advin come home . He heard the door lock and put his eyes off and acting like a sleep.

Advin Come to check him ; ohhh he fall a sleep easily. He was unconscious little bit . He go to his room and ly down to the bed 

When will I get a girl of my dreams whom I share my throught.... ahmmm sleep 

next morning 

Molisa come to Yezi home :Yezi ! don't need to go today. You're free today . But you have to go to act on the commercial demo Yezi ; What's kind of demo 

Molisa: sorry but it's romantic ads they want to make ... I know you don't do this but it made you more professional and famous.

Yezi: I agree .. when we are going

Molisa; this 6 pm there is a restaurant we have meetings with them .

Yezi ; okey I'll ready on time .

Molisa Are you okey ? you cried last night your eyes are swollen??

Molisa ; no no yezi it's nothing it's just a infection I got .

Yezi : Shut up and come to my room just now .

Molisa ; I'm okey .. really Yezi ! 

Yezi take her to her room and asked her what happened?

Yezi ; I know you have family issues involved love life ... is something happens you don't wanna share ? share with me we are really like the friends

Molisa: How can you read eyes easily?

Yezi : tell me what happened dod Louis said something to you .

Molisa;No my mother wants me to marry someone but I like Louis to marry .

YeZi ; Aww... look me I'm getting married to a person I don't wanna stand with him .

Molisa; hahaha

Yezi ; just this is your problem and you are talking tension... Molisa be strong I'm with you .

Molisa; but he can't understand me . He stills thinks me wrong .