real relationship

Rosella wake up and looking for her diary.... In her diary she hide her report.

Rosella : oh thanks it's here.. hide it somewhere.

Ken ; She is very nice really but why I don't feel her as my friend.let's be her friend. it's best of us to keep this relationship as a friend. but how to be her friend what she like. ahmmm

Yezi with a shoot with her maneger Molisa .

Molisa ; Yezi... Eren is sick.. he is not coming you go home.

Yezi; no it's okey to be here. I don't wanna face him.. I feel anger when I saw him on the bed lying using phone and playing game and he is careless and don't go to office.

hate the man like that. so non serious

Molisa: well Yezi I guess if he is not a right person then make him good for you . you can work on person too if you want them to be a successful person in life .

Yezi ; but he takes me as nothing. He always annoys me. He is like a kid I don't know..

Ken ; just call her... and ask her for something let's go calling.. Yezi

Yezi; look here calling pointing the eyes on phone .

Molisa; pick up at least he is approaching you . pick up quickly

Yezi : yes ken what's now ?

Ken ; I want to ask for if you're free then can you go with me somewhere

Yezi; where ?

Ken ; A place to eat

Yezi ; sounds good pick me from there. sending you location

Molisa; that's how you do that... he is a polite person for you because you both are in relationship fake

Yezi ; my father want this marriage real.. I'll keep it real but not in that way

Molisa: no problem.. I guess he will fall for you first because he forget it ex lover already.

Yezi ; Is that really true hazel is

Molisa yes Yezi let her go he is married to aaged man who is rich. she loves money than him .

Yezi ; Ken came he messaged me I'm leaving take care Molisa...

Advin go a date with Tanya .

Tanya; Advin do you ever love someone.

Advin ; no but trying to do with

Tanya ; with me ?

Advin ; yes... I don't know but I started developing my feelings for you the first meet I saw you Tanya...

Tanya ; really Advin ! I'm also started loving you Advin you're sweet guy

Advin: sweet just ...

Tanya ; I mean my guy.. eat lunch I wanna do shopping baby

Advin; no problem just eat then after we will start shopping.

Tanya ; ahhh I can't wait

Advin wait my darling! just eat first... silly girl.

Ken was waiting her outside.. Yezi come and she met a guy..

Guy started chat with her . Ken looked at both talking... why she is not coming who is this man really?? pushed horn torooouh

Yezi actually I'm busy my just here for pick me up

Coming !

Ken; why I'm one wait for her always.

Yezi come on the car and sit with him on the front .

Ken. ; looks very busy

Yezi ; yes little bit start car .

Ken come to her close and belt a seatbelt to her and looking at her so closely.her heartbeat become fast.

Let's go now .

Ken ; was slient and become rude again

he was a little bit

Rosella ; what to do ? I'm not alone now. I have a life.

I become very weak girl I was not like that

I guess it's Advin right to know about his child. Should I tell him or not. we are not close. we don't talk much I just last time saw him on that day .. should I share with some with Ken.. he is my friend like ... should I ?

let's meet with him . he will help me in this situation. ahhhh I'm really on two sides no or yes.

Yezi ; why are being so nice

Ken ; we should be friend first .

Yezi ; who will be your friend?

Ken ;I just want this relationship healthy

Yezi ; but we did contract about it. are you forgetting?

Ken; just finished the contract I think if we understand each other we will become a good couple.

Yezi : you want to keep this relationship real

Ken ; yes